Has management treated you like garbage since new contract got passed ?


Well-Known Member
My building was already penny pinching with payroll/hours the last year plus. I expect it to get much worse from here on out.

Within the past six months they now have an automatic late notification system so people are written up for any and all lates. There used to be some general leeway for valid excuses.

I now expect staffing to drop as we all have to do just a little bit more. Not sure I like what’s happening.


Layoffs shouldn't be a surprise, they were coming regardless of a new contract. They mass-hired to meet the needs of impossible parcel levels, knowing there would be some return toward the mean. Things will be short-term until peak, but watch what happens in February.
Let’s face it …Amazon is the future 🤷‍♂️

What did I do

Active Member
Wait till the feeder drivers have to bump out the young go getters from delivery due to cuts after peak. Then the disgruntled delivery drivers will bump the part-timers. It’s gonna get real. Seniority is everything.
This is what I am expecting. The bad part is, now all the 22.4's are RCPD's. If they had a bid for RCPD I would have signed it. I didn't want 22.4. But if they would have said it was only for a couple of years, I would have done it. That's the part that gets me. I am still part time waiting for a bid that will never happen now and will be bumped by a 22.4 that just became a RCPD with half of the seniority.

Red Devil

The Power of Connected
This is what I am expecting. The bad part is, now all the 22.4's are RCPD's. If they had a bid for RCPD I would have signed it. I didn't want 22.4. But if they would have said it was only for a couple of years, I would have done it. That's the part that gets me. I am still part time waiting for a bid that will never happen now and will be bumped by a 22.4 that just became a RCPD with half of the seniority.

Should have taken the full time job when it was available


This is what I am expecting. The bad part is, now all the 22.4's are RCPD's. If they had a bid for RCPD I would have signed it. I didn't want 22.4. But if they would have said it was only for a couple of years, I would have done it. That's the part that gets me. I am still part time waiting for a bid that will never happen now and will be bumped by a 22.4 that just became a RCPD with half of the seniority.

You snooze you lose
Try McDonald’s

Hot Carl

Well-Known Member
Management hasn't changed. They still suck. You wanna know what's gotten drastically worse? The DIAD. Jesus Christ I can't hardly go three stops without the thing taking a full minute or two just completing a stop. What the hell happened? Was it a software upgrade or something? How do they manage to keep making this piece of :censored2:ing garbage worse and worse?