Have You Ever Gotten Out Of A Speeding Ticket ?


Amatuer Malthusian
My state has a ferry system, mass transit nobody wants and a stuck tunnel machine to finance. Gas tax went up another 7 cents Saturday.


Nine Lives
the recent story of the UPSer getting killed fleeing the police. got me thinking about all the traffic stops I have had over the years.

maybe 50 % resulted in tickets . back in the 70's and 80's I got mostly warnings. since then it has been tougher.

but in 25 years , in my personal vehicle, I have been stopped 5 times and each time I got off with a warning. I think it was because I was in my UPS uniform. I was honest and told the officer I had just got off from work from UPS and they let me go.

other times I have gotten off is because I made the officer laugh. but still have received tickets about half the time. maybe 3-4 in 25 years.

so I was wondering if any of you have ever gotten out of a ticket and what do you think was the reason why?
Being honest and appearing sincerely sorry have gotten me out of over a dozen tickets.
The others were reduced from anywhere 20 mph over reduced down to 14 mph over (GA does not report 14 mph or less to insurance co or in the shared dB).
Humor works well if it is spontaneous and respectful.


Retired 23 years
Being honest and appearing sincerely sorry have gotten me out of over a dozen tickets.
The others were reduced from anywhere 20 mph over reduced down to 14 mph over (GA does not report 14 mph or less to insurance co or in the shared dB).
Humor works well if it is spontaneous and respectful.

Being you have that "terrorist look" going I'm surprised they just don't automatically hit you with a tazer.:-)


Nine Lives
Being you have that "terrorist look" going I'm surprised they just don't automatically hit you with a tazer.:-)
You should know!

I have not been stopped since I retired.
I probably don't drive a tenth as much as I use to.
My wife drives when we are together.

Interesting thought though.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Never even been pulled over, baby. Though I'm sure if I did I could come up with a way out of it.


Retired 23 years
You should know!

I have not been stopped since I retired.
I probably don't drive a tenth as much as I use to.
My wife drives when we are together.

Interesting thought though.

I suppose I would fall into the "check that guy out---he just looks like he's up to no good' category. To be honest the last actual ticket I got was in 1967. I've been stopped a few times (very few) since but just given warnings. I'm a FIRM believer in cruise control and making sure all the lights on my truck are working.