Well-Known Member
Georgia, the announcement I listened to happened in the Kansas District. Sorry that it's not in your area.
Just got a call from my BA.... he was told today that I can come back to work this coming Monday (9/14/09) with an all time served suspension (only 6 weeks no big deal right?) and NO BACK PAY...... worst thing is I am getting the feeling that the Union is all for this idea..... they won't come out and say it but I get the feeling they would prefer I take the deal.....I am really torn on this one...... as I have stated before I think the company handled this thing in a really $#$% manner.....yet I would be grateful to get back to work...... just not sure what I am going to do..... the BA is waiting on me to call him back and let him know.....
The implications of losing at the panel could be fourfold.....(a complete loss is well, a complete loss....no more UPS for me, period...) another option could be (you can have your job back with no backpay)... which is the choice I have now..... another option is (you can have your job back with some amount of backpay) and finally is the worst possible option (deadlock.... see you in about 6 months when we have an independent arbitrator) The BA seems very reluctant to advise me...... he says.... confidently I might add....... "I think I can put on a great case for you and you will be back at work"..... but when he says that the inflection in his voice to me sounds like he is really saying "I just wish you would settle so I don't have to deal with this"
The implications of losing at the panel could be fourfold.....(a complete loss is well, a complete loss....no more UPS for me, period...) another option could be (you can have your job back with no backpay)... which is the choice I have now..... another option is (you can have your job back with some amount of backpay) and finally is the worst possible option (deadlock.... see you in about 6 months when we have an independent arbitrator) The BA seems very reluctant to advise me...... he says.... confidently I might add....... "I think I can put on a great case for you and you will be back at work"..... but when he says that the inflection in his voice to me sounds like he is really saying "I just wish you would settle so I don't have to deal with this"
Ok, your advice is heard....if not yet heeded....Thanks
I didn't think you approved of anything having to do with "the right".Georgia,
Make the right decision.
Maybe they sensed your true feelings and that is why you no longer work for Brown.I honestly thought about it, because as you know, I was fired, but thought if they would take me back..
I would have shook hands with center manager, said no hard feelings. Now , lets get back to work ! (even though, I really wouldn't mean it) - but to clear up the air, atleast.
If you need to sign something... only with BA and after discussion with BA... shopsteward won't do you any good.
Maybe they sensed your true feelings and that is why you no longer work for Brown.
Georgia, I'm glad to hear that at least now you do have some options, I'm sure that is a relief for you in some ways. As you obviously know, the decision is entirely between you and your wife. I've been around a long time, I've seen panels go both ways on cases that surprised me. There are no guarantees either way.
If it is any help to hear, we've all been in the very same position that you currently find yourself. "Terminated", and then offered the job back with time served as a suspension. I've thought that might be an interesting thread, "What were you fired for, and how long were you off work". I will confess, I took the suspension; however, it was only one day, so obviously, not in the class with your six month loss.
Best of luck to you.
To all,
I consulted my wife (who makes more money than I do) and she is backing whatever my decision is 100%..... in fact since this entire thing transpired.....I have clued her into how UPS operates (via all your posts and threads here) she has the lowest of the low opinion of big brown........ and I can say that my attitude is forever changed.......I am still hoping for 25 and out... that leaves me 4 years to go and god willing I can hack it......I thought about my wifes suggestion that I start back and then immediately consider looking for another line of work.... albeit the times are lean and choices will be slim..... I don't believe that I will pursue that angle..... someone suggested (otherside I think) that I just try and make up the lost money with overtime..... (that is not and has never been my style) I like to do my job and go home and I think perhaps that will be a difficult trend for me to break....($45 an hour is cool but my free time is more valuable than that) I talked to the BA late this afternoon and since he could not arrange a meeting for Monday this has passed to Tuesday at which time I am returning to work.......I want something additional from the company for this..... I suggested that instead of the paperwork on file which can be used as progressive discipline (meaning the next infraction, God I hope not) and can result in termination since this is going to be considered a suspension....that the company replace this with just a warning letter....(meaning scaling this thing back to just a warning letter, which in my opinion would have been punishment enough) I feel pretty adamant about the company giving me this consideration... we will see what happens.....