Health insurance tax


Well-Known Member
Just wondering if any of our part timers at ups could afford insurance coverage for their families if it were not provided by the Teamsters and UPS?


Well-Known Member
brett636 said:
Outrage? Care to look into how much it costs those hospitals, pharmacuetical manufacturers, and doctors when something goes painfully wrong and they are slapped with a lawsuit? Medical liability coverage is a very expensive item on their balance sheet.

You've obviously haven't been one who's suffered from something that has gone "painfully wrong". I have and know others that have suffered from far worse, some of these "mistakes" end up requiring a lifetime of care. Who and how should that be paid for?

I'll grant you the legal profession with all there ads about "getting the money you deserve" don't help.

Doctors deal in a "life and death" world, and are compensated quite well for it. Shouldn't they have to pay for their mistakes when they "screw-up"?

I spent a Friday evening in an emergency room waiting while my doctor was paged, he never responded to the page. The hospital ran some tests and sent me home. On Monday morning at 9am the hospital called me and told me it was very important I call my doctor that they were faxing the results of the tests to him.

I called the doctors office and he wasn't in, he returned my call a couple of hours later. I explained what went on Fri evening, and asked if he had looked at the test results yet and he replied he had not.

On Wed the doctors office called me and referred me to an infectious disease doctor. I had a SEPSIS infection. This was what showed up in the tests done Fri evening. I mentioned to the person on the phone that the hospital had called me Mon morning, (and had made it sound urgent to me) and said they were faxing the results over. The person from the doctors office replied that the had just recieved them.

Now someone had lied to me. But who? The hospital? The doctor's office? Or was it just the doctor was too involved with looking at his golf magazine and contemplating the new clubs he was thinking of buying? Or was it the Porsche ad that had caught his attention, and he didn't look at the test results until Wed?

I recovered, after a course of antibiotics, but people have died from sepsis infections. After that and a few other incidents of either inattention or ineptness, I have lost all respect for doctors. So if they complain about malpractice costs, maybe they should pay more attention to their work. Also maybe they should not cover for each other the way they do.


Well-Known Member
You've obviously haven't been one who's suffered from something that has gone "painfully wrong". I have and know others that have suffered from far worse, some of these "mistakes" end up requiring a lifetime of care. Who and how should that be paid for?

I'll grant you the legal profession with all there ads about "getting the money you deserve" don't help.

Doctors deal in a "life and death" world, and are compensated quite well for it. Shouldn't they have to pay for their mistakes when they "screw-up"?

I spent a Friday evening in an emergency room waiting while my doctor was paged, he never responded to the page. The hospital ran some tests and sent me home. On Monday morning at 9am the hospital called me and told me it was very important I call my doctor that they were faxing the results of the tests to him.

I called the doctors office and he wasn't in, he returned my call a couple of hours later. I explained what went on Fri evening, and asked if he had looked at the test results yet and he replied he had not.

On Wed the doctors office called me and referred me to an infectious disease doctor. I had a SEPSIS infection. This was what showed up in the tests done Fri evening. I mentioned to the person on the phone that the hospital had called me Mon morning, (and had made it sound urgent to me) and said they were faxing the results over. The person from the doctors office replied that the had just recieved them.

Now someone had lied to me. But who? The hospital? The doctor's office? Or was it just the doctor was too involved with looking at his golf magazine and contemplating the new clubs he was thinking of buying? Or was it the Porsche ad that had caught his attention, and he didn't look at the test results until Wed?

I recovered, after a course of antibiotics, but people have died from sepsis infections. After that and a few other incidents of either inattention or ineptness, I have lost all respect for doctors. So if they complain about malpractice costs, maybe they should pay more attention to their work. Also maybe they should not cover for each other the way they do.

If a doctor makes a true mistake then I would agree with you that they should pay for it. My grandfather was the victim of a mistake similar to yours. His doctor did not order tests on a small growth on his neck, and 6 months later when another doctor finally tested it they discovered it was cancer. Luckily even at the ripe old age of 86 they operated on him to remove the cancer and his most recent checkup has come up cancer free. Although it could have been handled a lot easier had they spotted it 6 months prior they were still able to treat him with our country's advanced medicine. I should mention that my grandfather is a greater man than I as he refused to go after the doctor who made the mistake. I guess at his age he is just happy to have been treated and still be around today.

The problem is as you said people know doctors are paid very well, and therefore use that as en excuse to sue their doctors, hospitals, or any other entity involved in their care to try and make a quick buck. I am not saying all medical lawsuits are bogus, but enough of them are to cause our medical costs to rise at an enormous rate. This is one of the best arguments for tort reform, but considering President Obongo's campaign was heavily subsidized by trial lawyers I do not see that happening in the near future. :(


Well-Known Member
Just more lies...McCain was evil to talk about taxing health insurance. Obama said if you made less than $250,000 you would not see a tax increase.

First was the increased cigarette tax and now talks of:

health insurance tax
soda tax (Kudlow talked about last night)
increase gas tax
estate tax
cap and trade


Well-Known Member
Just more lies...McCain was evil to talk about taxing health insurance. Obama said if you made less than $250,000 you would not see a tax increase.

First was the increased cigarette tax and now talks of:

health insurance tax
soda tax (Kudlow talked about last night)
increase gas tax
estate tax
cap and trade
How right you are! As for nationalized health care, you don't have to look to Canada or Europe, just look at the veterans health care system. Want more detail ask a VET!


Well-Known Member
Sen. John McCain's ad was released April 29 and will air in Iowa.

Who Benefits?
In the ad, he says the problem with health care is not the quality, but the cost. As a remedy, he promises "every American family a $5,000 refundable tax credit" so families can purchase their own insurance policies. (Individuals would receive $2,500.) The federal government would send the money directly to insurance providers.

Those with employer-sponsored coverage, however, also might want to know that under McCain's plan, they will pay taxes on the value of health care benefits they receive from their employers. It's not that families will receive a windfall of $5,000, but that the credit will more or less offset the increased taxes they'll pay.

If this is Obama's plan to tax health benefits, sounds to me like he stole the idea! Why am I not surprised from either side of the aisle.​



Strength through joy
Yea, going to Cuba to have a major operation performed on me sounds like a great idea. Atleast until you realize you have to bring your own toilet paper and aspirin.:rolleyes:
Also it was reported that when Castro was ill, he flew to Spain for medical help.
If Cuba's medical is so great why didn't Castro stay home ?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Anyone else following the Obama socialization of America? How do you feel about being taxed for our health insurance to pay for those without? I know a lot of people who work at UPS for the insurance. Now they may be taxed for getting out there to provide coverage for their family. Perhaps they may figure why not forget the hard labor and insurance and sit at home and get it for free!
Any thoughts?

I also feel there has to be some sort of overhaul of the health care system. I just recieved a bill for some lab work that was done. It lists charges or $899.00 then there is what BC/BS will authorize, $167.37, of which I owe 10%, then it shows an "adjustment" of $731.63.
Since I have insurance they'll accept payment of $167.37 for their services but some poor schmuck with no insurance would be billed for $899.00?
I wish someone could explain this to me, but I'd probably get all kinds of double speak. This is how many medical bills are. I had same day surgery about 11yrs ago, the hospital "billed" $3200.00 (which is what they would pursue the guy with no insurance for) yet accepted $1800.00 from blue cross.
I see similar statements for doctor visits, etc. It's like they have 2 pricing structures, if you have insurance they accept far less.
No wonder people who lose their insurance because of layoffs, etc. end up skimping on health care.
I've been a victim of malpractice, poor medical care, fraudulent billing, and doctor's complain how everything costs them so much, etc. Yet around here there still driving Porsches.
My husband had seven procedures done, which were over 4000.00 each event. Outpatient. Insurance agreed cost was 750. I paid about 44.00
The guy on government dole, walks in out and doesnt care the cost. The uninsured guy leaves coz he cant afford it.
While I agree the industry has some fixing that could be done, we do not need the government to do it.
You cant control their profit, you cant tell pharmacutical companies how much they can make, or we wont have drugs. Why should they bother with R&D when there is no profit. Why become a surgeon when you will have a cap on your earnings?
People without coverage, some choose to be some are covered by medicare, and welfare, some are illegal. Some can afford it and dont want it.
We need a system where uninsured who want it can buy into an affordable program and get rates like UPS gets, but once again, Obama does not need to run it.


Well-Known Member
While I agree the industry has some fixing that could be done, we do not need the government to do it.
You cant control their profit, you cant tell pharmacutical companies how much they can make, or we wont have drugs. Why should they bother with R&D when there is no profit.

Who do you think funds many of the drug R&D at most Public Universities ?
Oh no :surprised:, the socialist Gov't does.....
Pharmacuticals simply purchase and alter formulas to establish patent parameters. Boo Hoo evil Gov't....

Also it was reported that when Castro was ill, he flew to Spain for medical help.
If Cuba's medical is so great why didn't Castro stay home ?


Healthcare is in fact Castro's most treasured legacy. Cuba has gained worldwide goodwill by bringing basic healthcare to poor people around the world. Cuba offered the United States over 1,000 doctors trained in disaster management the first hours following the Katrina disaster. The offer went unrecognized. About a week later that same medical brigade was dispatched to assist Pakistan in the wake of a devastating earthquake. Cuba provided the largest number of doctors of any country there, building an enduring friendship and sympathy about US bullying among the Pakistani people.
The special interest hardliners pushed the Bush Administration to half-heartedly announce incentives to lure these Cuban doctors away from their far-flung posts with promises of free assistance to get to the United States and guaranteed green cards. While so far there has been no discernable response to this effort, it would be natural for a few of the 29,000 Cuban medical personnel abroad to accept. These few would then be paraded around for everyone as evidence of how unhappy the Cuban doctors are.
Havana now has the largest medical school in the world, where students from poor areas who could never pay for a medical education are receiving their degrees and training in Cuba in exchange for their personal commitment to practice in medically underserved areas anywhere in the world. Some 90 U.S. students are taking advantage of these full scholarships in order to return to areas where doctors are sorely needed, such as the impoverished Mississippi Delta region. Hardliners tried to have these students sent home in 2004 when basically all the educational travel to Cuba was cut, but Colin Powell interceded and gave them a special exception to stay, for the time being.
Unlike most Americans, these students have been given the opportunity to live in Cuba, to experience it, warts and all, and arrive at their own conclusions about it. That's a freedom we all have a right to exercise, but for the machinations of those who would rather keep us "illuminated" on their own terms. The Cuban people have a right and deserve an opportunity to participate in the evolution of their country without the corrupting influence of outside interests. It's time to cut the government subsidies that keep the "embargo industry" spinning its tales, to amputate the tail that wags the dog.

Lissa Weinmann, a Foreign Policy In Focus contributor, is a senior fellow at the World Policy Institute. She’s traveled to Cuba many times, directed the annual National Summit on Cuba from 2001 to 2006 and sits on the Board of Directors of the U.S.-Cuba Trade Association.


Well-Known Member
You still did not answer the question.

Hatred and intolerance of MM's "Sicko" shouldn't draw your ire at the island of Cuba because it was used as a healthcare example. But,Yes, An Intestinal specialist who has spent time in Cuba previously, counsulting and speaking with Cuban Doctors at Medical Healthcare conventions was flown in.
But that doesn't take away health and education achievements for a nearly third world country, and they deserve some credit despite the government’s poor record on human rights.

Obama does not need to run it. .

Nor do I want the Insurance provider to run the system and make the call of what medical procedure I need. Nor do I like to hear how CEO's of insurance and healthcare providers making hundred of millions in salaries.


Strength through joy
"Hatred and intolerance of MM's "Sicko" "
Where did I imply that ?
All I did was ask a question , you know like that Joe the Plumber fellow.
And you start jumping to wild conclusions.