Hatred and intolerance of MM's "Sicko" shouldn't draw your ire at the island of Cuba because it was used as a healthcare example. But,Yes, An Intestinal specialist who has spent time in Cuba previously, counsulting and speaking with Cuban Doctors at Medical Healthcare conventions was flown in.
But that doesn't take away health and education achievements for a nearly third world country, and they deserve some credit despite the government’s poor record on human rights.
Nor do I want the Insurance provider to run the system and make the call of what medical procedure I need. Nor do I like to hear how CEO's of insurance and healthcare providers making hundred of millions in salaries.
Strangely enough you don't seem to have any Ire over the fact that fidel castro could brutalize so many cubans and yet enjoy the finest in health care available as a dying old man. where is the outrage that Fidel will not die eating knuckle sandwichs in a cuban prison. Where is the outrage over all the cuban family members brutalized , maimed and dying painful deaths.
Not only are you missing the outrage but you dare to now try to speak for those cubans simply because you live in florida.