I agree and that system would make it illegal for a company or union to provide healthcare.
I've posted several times that I have no problem with national healthcare but Obamacare does not provide that.
That is the biggest failure of Obamacare.
Very surprised that I agree wholeheartedly with a (no offense) former corporate drone out of Atlanta.
Blaming UPS' 30/60/90 proposal on Obamacare is a steaming heap of bull**** - rising premiums happen because we have a for-profit health industry in this country. Some things simply should not be profit driven - health care and education chief amongst them.
That being said, Obamacare did some good things - namely eliminating pre-existing condition clauses in insurance plans, ending the practice of "maxing out" insurance, and preventing insurance companies from booting people from coverage when they get sick. Stripping someone of their coverage because they fall ill after paying their premiums for decades was one of the most vile aspects of the American insurance experience I've ever come across. It makes "good business sense" but is morally reprehensible, which is exactly why health coverage should not be for-profit.
However, establishing a personal mandate that requires insurance WITHOUT providing price controls was asinine. And the "30 hour rule" that requires companies to offer insurance to employees working at least 30 hours a week is easily circumvented and has led to a net cut in hours/compensation from workers that can afford it the least.