It’s funny when you get back to the center before Orion has you do your last stop , but you still get told you ran over lol
It's all a shell game.
We are short-staffed in our center and our DM told our center manager that we could have 6 casuals from peak try to make book and that because they all worked during peak, that he (DM) would authorize them to be qualified if they scratched a week straight.
We only have 2 "training routes" in the center, so the center manager asked at PCM if there was anyone on a route willing to step aside for a week to get these folks qualified, he'd appreciate it.
The guy on the route next to me offered to the center manager and the center manager's reply was "no, your route doesnt scratch" to which the guy next to me replied "you do realize what you just said to me, right?"
The guy next to me will never hear a peep about performance again.
Well played.