Help to recover my start date


Well-Known Member
Something similar happened to me.
I went to school on July, then i started actually driving on Aug, then was let go 2 week on Oct, then drove all the way until Jan 10th when i got a ride with my manager, then was let go a week, during this week i was called to come for a conference call where I was welcomed into this "exclusive" club.
When i started again next Monday, i was "relocated" to another center, then my seniority was showing 2 different dates
"Center" date was my og July date and "full time" was Monday after the call, I kept asking around what was going on with the steward and even the BA, they will just give me the " We are checking on it", sometimes ill get an answer like " the company fired you on Jan 10th and rehired you the Wednesday you did the call", once i transfer to Feeders they told me "Just forget about that July date"