Here Comes the Electric Fail


Inordinately Right
Electric cars can't compete on their own now and won't be able for many years. True costs get obscured and they are only viable now because of government subsidies. People being forced to switch to electric is not the same as electric being better.
Even with massive government subsidies they are far more expensive then combustion vehicles.

It's really just liberal elitists forcing inferior cars on middle class and poor people that don't want and can't afford them.


Well-Known Member
Even with massive government subsidies they are far more expensive then combustion vehicles.

It's really just liberal elitists forcing inferior cars on middle class and poor people that don't want and can't afford them.
The average purchase price for a new vehicle of any kind in 2020 was 37k.

For 40k, you can beat supercars in an EV. For 50k, you can beat them with a wife and 5 kids towed along with you.

Every infinitely superior technology goes to rich people first.

In a few years, there will be a 25k tesla that beats every ICE offering available, on every single spec, at a lower price. We're just inches away from that. You're an ostrich.


Well-Known Member
Even with massive government subsidies they are far more expensive then combustion vehicles.

It's really just liberal elitists forcing inferior cars on middle class and poor people that don't want and can't afford them.
I don't support EV mandates.

I'm telling you they're going to happen regardless of mandates, because the costs and performance aspects are so obviously superior. And I've demonstrated it.


Inordinately Right

I could have one at my door with 5 minutes of ordering time on a website.

0 to 60 in 3 seconds with 350 miles of range in a regular sedan. For 40k.

There is nothing that even approaches that. ICE is screwed.

I'm not "optimistic."

It beats everything right now. Without a subsidy.
Your link says it's 46,000.
For a sedan lol.


Well-Known Member
You're seriously trying to call me out for saying 35k price for the entry model, when it's really 37k unsubsidized?

37k unsubsidized, right now, beats anything you can post.


Inordinately Right
You're seriously trying to call me out for saying 35k price for the entry model, when it's really 37k unsubsidized?

37k unsubsidized, right now, beats anything you can post.
You can get a brand new car for like 15k so I don't know what you're trying to prove.

Buying a new car is for suckers anyways so the whole point is ridiculous to begin with.


Well-Known Member
You can get a brand new car for like 15k so I don't know what you're trying to prove.

Buying a new car is for suckers anyways so the whole point is ridiculous to begin with.
The argument is always changing.

People used to object to EV's based on performance. That argument is toast. Then it was price. That argument is toast.

You're left with only saying new cars are stupid.

I agree. New cars of all kinds are a big fat waste of money.

But at any given price point where EV's exist, they are vastly superior. And their prices are going down.

Soon, the cheapest cars in America will be high performance EV's. This is how capitalism works. No subsidies needed. It's just plain better.

25k tesla on the way. Total cost of ownership will be lower, and price better, than any ICE offering from any manufacturer.

Deal with it.


Well-Known Member
No it's not.
They're not cost effective.
That's why there's subsidies.
This isn't complicated.
Evidently it's complicated for you.

The unsubsidized price for the entry Tesla is equal to the average new vehicle price. And it's better, at that price point, than anything else.

The subsidies are there because the government wants faster adoption. The subsidies do speed that. I don't favor them.

From a purely unsubsidized, capitalistic perspective, EV's are completely inevitable.

The government favoritism only speeds it.


nowhere special
No it's not.
They're not cost effective.
That's why there's subsidies.
This isn't complicated.
Battery life, replacement costs, and disposal problems get conveniently ignored. Basically junk the electrics after a short service life. Used car market would be a non existent joke. Unlike internal combustion where it is easy to find a cheap used car that will last for many years.

When the only selling point of a car is its 0-60 performance it is easy to spot the problems.


Well-Known Member
Battery life, replacement costs, and disposal problems get conveniently ignored. Basically junk the electrics after a short service life. Used car market would be a non existent joke. Unlike internal combustion where it is easy to find a cheap used car that will last for many years.

When the only selling point of a car is its 0-60 performance it is easy to spot the problems.

Your information is a decade old.

If you buy a tesla, you can pass the battery down to your grandchildren.