Herschel Walker


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I'm not in Georgia so it's a moot point. The vast majority of people in Washington are bad people to some extent. Trump is no boy scout. My vote goes to whoever will vote for the issues I care about. If it came down to personal lives no one would run due to skeletons in their closet.

I would vote for a three legged dog if it was Pro Life..


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Do you vote actions or words?

Usually there is no grey area in that area.. Definitely call myself a Republican with a streak of bring an independent ..

Fact is that I cringed when I saw Trump holding a Bible..everybody knew what they were getting when we voted for him..but did appoint 3 Supreme Court justices that eventually overturned Roe v Wade.

Who is more of a hypocrite.. a man who admits his shortcomings or a liar that takes none. Trump despite his past flaws was honest about it.... Biden on the other hand is another story.


All Trash No Trailer
Just pointing out there are plenty of hypocrites to choose from. We know for a fact that Warnock hasn't been paying child support. Remains to be seen whether Walker actually paid for an abortion.
He sure hasnt filed suit as he said he would.
I'd say i am surprised you'd believe such an obvious liar,but then I remembered you are a tRump supporter


Well-Known Member
He sure hasnt filed suit as he said he would.
I'd say i am surprised you'd believe such an obvious liar,but then I remembered you are a tRump supporter
I'm looking at this and it appears the alleged abortion took place 13 years ago. If true when do you make allowances for someone changing their minds on issues? About a year ago I started thinking that I personally could compromise on when an abortion took place. It was actually a law in Missouri that was struck down that allowed abortions before there was a heartbeat. I could see the point the Missouri legislature was making and decided that was a fair compromise. Others feel differently. No abortion no matter what. I understand their point of view and don't have a problem with it. For me personally I wish it would only happen in cases of rape, incest, and danger to the mother's life. And happen before there's a heartbeat for those exceptions. I just have no sympathy for irresponsible people trying to get out of the situation they put themselves into. The man and the woman. But if you're going to have a national law then it should only be before there's a heartbeat imo.

Up In Smoke

Well-Known Member
Usually there is no grey area in that area.. Definitely call myself a Republican with a streak of bring an independent ..

Fact is that I cringed when I saw Trump holding a Bible..everybody knew what they were getting when we voted for him..but did appoint 3 Supreme Court justices that eventually overturned Roe v Wade.

Who is more of a hypocrite.. a man who admits his shortcomings or a liar that takes none. Trump despite his past flaws was honest about it.... Biden on the other hand is another story.

Usually there is no grey area in that area.. Definitely call myself a Republican with a streak of bring an independent ..

Fact is that I cringed when I saw Trump holding a Bible..everybody knew what they were getting when we voted for him..but did appoint 3 Supreme Court justices that eventually overturned Roe v Wade.

Who is more of a hypocrite.. a man who admits his shortcomings or a liar that takes none. Trump despite his past flaws was honest about it.... Biden on the other hand is another story.
Usually there is no grey area in that area.. Definitely call myself a Republican with a streak of bring an independent ..

Fact is that I cringed when I saw Trump holding a Bible..everybody knew what they were getting when we voted for him..but did appoint 3 Supreme Court justices that eventually overturned Roe v Wade.

Who is more of a hypocrite.. a man who admits his shortcomings or a liar that takes none. Trump despite his past flaws was honest about it.... Biden on the other hand is another story.
Here's a list of failed businesses that were started, took investors, hired contractors and employees but were left for dead and bankrupt by former President Trump. I have never read in any publication where he took responsibility for the companies failures or financial bankruptcies.
Trump Steaks
Trump Airlines
Trump Vodka
Trump Mortgage
Trump "The Game"
Trump Magazine
Trump University
Trump Ice
New Jersey Generals
Tour de Trump
Trump on the Ocean
The Trump Network
Trump News Media
Taj Mahal
Trump Plaza
Trump Castle
And soon to be Truth Social

He's a hell of a salesman, but has no problem destroying everyone in his wake.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier

Here's a list of failed businesses that were started, took investors, hired contractors and employees but were left for dead and bankrupt by former President Trump. I have never read in any publication where he took responsibility for the companies failures or financial bankruptcies.
Trump Steaks
Trump Airlines
Trump Vodka
Trump Mortgage
Trump "The Game"
Trump Magazine
Trump University
Trump Ice
New Jersey Generals
Tour de Trump
Trump on the Ocean
The Trump Network
Trump News Media
Taj Mahal
Trump Plaza
Trump Castle
And soon to be Truth Social

He's a hell of a salesman, but has no problem destroying everyone in his wake.

What is the alternative?


Well-Known Member

Here's a list of failed businesses that were started, took investors, hired contractors and employees but were left for dead and bankrupt by former President Trump. I have never read in any publication where he took responsibility for the companies failures or financial bankruptcies.
Trump Steaks
Trump Airlines
Trump Vodka
Trump Mortgage
Trump "The Game"
Trump Magazine
Trump University
Trump Ice
New Jersey Generals
Tour de Trump
Trump on the Ocean
The Trump Network
Trump News Media
Taj Mahal
Trump Plaza
Trump Castle
And soon to be Truth Social

He's a hell of a salesman, but has no problem destroying everyone in his wake.
Name one business Biden has started.


Inordinately Right

Here's a list of failed businesses that were started, took investors, hired contractors and employees but were left for dead and bankrupt by former President Trump. I have never read in any publication where he took responsibility for the companies failures or financial bankruptcies.
Trump Steaks
Trump Airlines
Trump Vodka
Trump Mortgage
Trump "The Game"
Trump Magazine
Trump University
Trump Ice
New Jersey Generals
Tour de Trump
Trump on the Ocean
The Trump Network
Trump News Media
Taj Mahal
Trump Plaza
Trump Castle
And soon to be Truth Social

He's a hell of a salesman, but has no problem destroying everyone in his wake.
Oh okay that's definitely totally relevant to this thread. SMH. TDS.


Inordinately Right
A 3rd party?
Lol, solves nothing.
term limits?
Yes, I only want inexperienced people in charge.
eliminate dark money?
Impossible, and probably unconstitutional.
outlaw lobbyists?
There is too much power held by too few.
Maybe, but power in this country is spread out a lot more than most countries because of federalism and delegation of power to the states. Something Democrats hate.


All Trash No Trailer
Not a damn thing. It has to to do with your hypocrisy.
Brother I am so honest i border on being rude. You made me laugh VERY loudly calling me a Hypocrite .
If that makes you feel better about ole Herschel paying for an abortion,saying he doesn;t know the woman that accused him of this ,and then saying he STILL doesn;t know who the lady is when the lady stated Herschel was also her baby daddy.........................if it helps you to deal with that,to process yet another "Christian Conservative" being called out for being a lying hypocrite.............then call me all the names you wish. We ALL know he is a lying POS ,endorsed by tRump that just gave away a senate seat


All Trash No Trailer
No, he's openly against abortion.

What's your conspiracy theory here?
He's secretly pro abortion and is going to vote in favor of it once he gets elected?

You know that's crazy right?
He's openly against abortions,but privately supports them when he knocks a woman up, especially the woman that he is cheating on his wife with. I'm sure he asked for forgiveness