Hilary Clinton


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No misquoting when it's straight from the horse's mouth !!!!! We are going to hear this clip thousands of times from now 'til 2016.

SHOCK! Hillary Clinton argues - What difference, at this point, does it make about how it happened? - YouTube

AWESOME clip! She tells it straight. WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

You cant answer the question either, just like EVERY republican senator on that committee that got OWNED during those hearings.

Hillary wiped the floor with every republican at those hearings. It was an amazing show.




golden ticket member
AWESOME clip! She tells it straight. WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

You cant answer the question either, just like EVERY republican senator on that committee that got OWNED during those hearings.

Hillary wiped the floor with every republican at those hearings. It was an amazing show.


That was no hearing.......that was a going away party for Hil. The Democrats kissed her ass while the GOP tried to ask questions.........It was a party atmosphere.

With your thiking, Dr Gosnell is probably a saint in your opinon!!

You will never know what the difference is........Hillary is finding out daily. She is MIRED.........not admired!!


Well-Known Member
AWESOME clip! She tells it straight. WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?

You cant answer the question either, just like EVERY republican senator on that committee that got OWNED during those hearings.

Hillary wiped the floor with every republican at those hearings. It was an amazing show.



What a gullible tool! Lap it up ostrich.... "What difference does it make?" As if she was actually looking for an answer to that rhetorical question? Are you really that naive? Really? And it makes all the difference in the world when our elected officials are telling us one thing but doing another you typical leftist agenda driven HYPOCRITE. God forbid you have half the balls to own up to your precious parties inconsistencies and LIES. No....save your energy for 2014 when the left loses their collective asses AGAIN in Congress.....OMG. You really are one entertaining willfully blind soul.


Well-Known Member
Ha, you hypocrites defend and support the killing of babies, your right...."what difference does it make" that your elected social agenda puppets lie to everyone and get our patriots killed while they plead for help from their Marxist leaders?

*Clue in - thats also a rhetorical question thanks. Damn... :P


golden ticket member
Hundreds of e-mails ??? there are 25,000 e-mails re: Benghazi....nice to know that the administration picked out 100 of them to release.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Moreluck, first off, you misspelled Hillary in your title, that makes you look stupid. Secondly, maybe the Dems will put Elizabeth Warren up for National office instead of Hillary, wouldn't that be something?

Your hate for the woman is irrational, and likely unhealthy. Give it a rest. Most Liberals couldn't care less about Hillary.


golden ticket member
Moreluck, first off, you misspelled Hillary in your title, that makes you look stupid. Secondly, maybe the Dems will put Elizabeth Warren up for National office instead of Hillary, wouldn't that be something?

Your hate for the woman is irrational, and likely unhealthy. Give it a rest. Most Liberals couldn't care less about Hillary.
And you think I'd prefer Fauxahontas.
I know I mis-spelled Hillary.................some do spell it with just one "L". Maybe it means she's one "L" of a woman. No, that's not it. Why do you continue to argue with a stupid person.....? What does that make you ??????
Maybe you can search all 58,287 of my posts and show me where I said "I hate Hillary". Show me!!