Hilary Clinton


golden ticket member
Her latest statements overseas puts her in the same class as Pelosi & Waters .
Older women who should have retired years ago to a rocking chair on the porch, telling their great grand kids wild tales .
men too!!!! There should be no one in congress past the age of 67 !!


Well-Known Member

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Yes because we all know the rule of law shouldn't apply to those in power, especially if they're on "our" side.

Should apply to everybody. If there’s evidence of something, go get Hillary. Justice would be served and it’d be a huge political catch for Republicans.

If there’s not evidence, it’s fine to keep seeking it. But don’t keep talking like there is in the meantime. It truly does look like a desperate distraction tactic as the Republican dumpster fire continues.


Well-Known Member
Should apply to everybody. If there’s evidence of something, go get Hillary. Justice would be served and it’d be a huge political catch for Republicans.

If there’s not evidence, it’s fine to keep seeking it. But don’t keep talking like there is in the meantime. It truly does look like a desperate distraction tactic as the Republican dumpster fire continues.

The wheels of justice move slowly, especially when it's necessary to make sure all the i's are dotted, etc when charging someone in her position. There's nothing desperate about it, and Trump's presidency is only a "dumpster fire" to those who want to characterize everything negatively. You say we shouldn't be talking like there is evidence in the meantime. It's a known fact that there was top secret classified material amongst the emails she did turn over. It's a known fact she eliminated 33,000 subpoenaed emails after being subpoenaed. And James Comey let her off the hook by saying there was no criminal intent. Taking a server off-site and eliminating them shows clear intent. And the law is clear about mishandling classified material and many others have paid serious consequences for doing so. Why not Hillary Clinton? She should've been arrested and will be eventually. That she's constantly defended by her own party shows a clear double standard about how they feel Democrats and Republicans should be treated.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
The wheels of justice move slowly, especially when it's necessary to make sure all the i's are dotted, etc when charging someone in her position. There's nothing desperate about it, and Trump's presidency is only a "dumpster fire" to those who want to characterize everything negatively. You say we shouldn't be talking like there is evidence in the meantime. It's a known fact that there was top secret classified material amongst the emails she did turn over. It's a known fact she eliminated 33,000 subpoenaed emails after being subpoenaed. And James Comey let her off the hook by saying there was no criminal intent. Taking a server off-site and eliminating them shows clear intent. And the law is clear about mishandling classified material and many others have paid serious consequences for doing so. Why not Hillary Clinton? She should've been arrested and will be eventually. That she's constantly defended by her own party shows a clear double standard about how they feel Democrats and Republicans should be treated.



Well-Known Member
And a well respected judge appointed by Reagan in the 80's was accused by some here of political theatrics because he questioned whether Mueller had gone beyond his mandate. McCabe is a Republican too and he was found to have lied several times about his leaking info to the Press. Rosenstein is stalling on handing over unredacted documents to Congress which has the right to demand and see them. The thing is that Trump rode a populist wave threatening to clean up the "Swamp." Bureaucrats on both sides are resistant to that. When Trump was insulting all those Republican candidates during the primaries do you think they all went "aw shucks, you got me that time!" He POed a lot of people. That came back to bite him on the Obamacare vote with McCain. Don't be too surprised if it does come to an impeachment trial in the Senate if some Republicans do vote to convict and remove him. They'll be able to tell constituents that they heard their wishes. As for obstruction, where is it? Comey took notes of his meetings with Trump. No where in his notes did he say Trump was trying to pressure him into laying off the Russia investigation. No where did he say he felt Trump was obstructing. If he didn't think it then how is it possible now, especially since Trump had the authority to fire him? Where's the obstruction?