Hilary Clinton


Well-Known Member
Just ignore her.

People that currently care about HRC all seem to be from the RIGHT, everyone on the LEFT wants her to STFU.

I guess she's still a potent 'Baba Yaga' to scare righty snowflakes.

Just let it go, stop talking about her, eventually she'll go away.

I don't, it's here so I do. Can you follow that? I say charge the bitch with the easy crimes, convict her and let Trump pardon her. When he does issue the pardon, let him be Trump at his best. A conviction is warranted, and easily had if charged. Until then you have our mockery of justice concerning the elected aristocracy. friend her, she earned it, then pardon. No problem with that.


Got the T-Shirt


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
How about being so obsessed with her that you just have to keep repeating her name on a thread about the right wing being so obsessed with Hillary that they just HAVE to repeat her name?Just look at all of the regulars on browncafe coming up with 50 ways to keep Hillary thread going on and on and on....Their Hillary Derangement Syndrome has escalated into a lurid and hallucinogenic obsession.


Probably the Greatest American Alive
How about being so obsessed with her that you just have to keep repeating her name on a thread about the right wing being so obsessed with Hillary that they just HAVE to repeat her name?Just look at all of the regulars on browncafe coming up with 50 ways to keep Hillary thread going on and on and on....Their Hillary Derangement Syndrome has escalated into a lurid and hallucinogenic obsession.

says the triggered spook who changed his profile pic to an anti-Trump picture even though he's probably done more harm to belligerent nations than any president in your lifetime.
The Iran deal was dumb as hell. Why give a rogue nation a clear pathway to nuclear armament when their stated agenda is wiping Israel off the map and referring to America as the "Great Satan," (something they immediately started preaching and chanting again as soon as the Trump led US pulled out of that resolution.
Russia is buckling, ISIS has been heavily reduced (not that that threat will ever go away), North Korea is seeking peace and he's bringing China to the negotiating table on trade which is completely reasonable and will probably end up helping both nations in the long term.
I didn't vote for Trump, but he's done a hell of a lot better than expected and he's kept his word better than 99% of career politicians


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
says the triggered spook who changed his profile pic to an anti-Trump picture even though he's probably done more harm to belligerent nations than any president in your lifetime.
The Iran deal was dumb as hell. Why give a rogue nation a clear pathway to nuclear armament when their stated agenda is wiping Israel off the map and referring to America as the "Great Satan," (something they immediately started preaching and chanting again as soon as the Trump led US pulled out of that resolution.
Russia is buckling, ISIS has been heavily reduced (not that that threat will ever go away), North Korea is seeking peace and he's bringing China to the negotiating table on trade which is completely reasonable and will probably end up helping both nations in the long term.
I didn't vote for Trump, but he's done a hell of a lot better than expected and he's kept his word better than 99% of career politicians
That is not only a non sequitur, it is non-sense.
Spend that quarter wisely.


Well-Known Member
How about being so obsessed with her that you just have to keep repeating her name on a thread about the right wing being so obsessed with Hillary that they just HAVE to repeat her name?Just look at all of the regulars on browncafe coming up with 50 ways to keep Hillary thread going on and on and on....Their Hillary Derangement Syndrome has escalated into a lurid and hallucinogenic obsession.
Y'all come up with a million ways to smear Trump but one criticism alone of Hillary will get us labeled as obsessed. Over and over the Dems have tried to make a connection between Trump and the Russians and talk as if it was a foregone conclusion. Yet we know for a fact that Hillary broke the law and you just yawn. So seriously it looks to us that your side feels that anything done by a Democrat is perfectly ok as long as they win and you keep power. The ends really do justify the means for your side. It's that attitude that makes people wonder if our democracy goes down the drain at some point if the people in charge don't respect the Constitution and play fast and loose with it. Luckily the military is full of professionals dedicated to preserving the Constitution so I sleep better knowing they are there. Which is why the Dems aren't big fans of the military I suppose.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Wow, still talking about Hillary.

Call your Congressperson and say you want HRC investigated, indicted, prosecuted, jailed, and executed.

Otherwise, WTF cares

Just ignore her.

People that currently care about HRC all seem to be from the RIGHT, everyone on the LEFT wants her to STFU.

I guess she's still a potent 'Baba Yaga' to scare righty snowflakes.

Just let it go, stop talking about her, eventually she'll go away.


What am I not understanding?

Dude, this thread is titled, "Hilary Clinton"... You actually have to click on it to participate on HRC type talk.

Why, why, why, why, why... would you put yourself through such a thing?

You could always put this thread on ignore and save yourself some time and stress. :wink-very:


Inordinately Right
It's that attitude that makes people wonder if our democracy goes down the drain at some point if the people in charge don't respect the Constitution and play fast and loose with it. Luckily the military is full of professionals dedicated to preserving the Constitution so I sleep better knowing they are there. Which is why the Dems aren't big fans of the military I suppose.
In what ways do you think Democrats have played fast and loose with the constitution? In what ways do you think the military has stopped them? Where can I get some of the kool-aid you're high on?

I can think of quite a few ways, most of them done by republicans and democrats both. And most of them were put into practice BY the military.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
says the triggered spook who changed his profile pic to an anti-Trump picture even though he's probably done more harm to belligerent nations than any president in your lifetime.
The Iran deal was dumb as hell. Why give a rogue nation a clear pathway to nuclear armament when their stated agenda is wiping Israel off the map and referring to America as the "Great Satan," (something they immediately started preaching and chanting again as soon as the Trump led US pulled out of that resolution.
Russia is buckling, ISIS has been heavily reduced (not that that threat will ever go away), North Korea is seeking peace and he's bringing China to the negotiating table on trade which is completely reasonable and will probably end up helping both nations in the long term.
I didn't vote for Trump, but he's done a hell of a lot better than expected and he's kept his word better than 99% of career politicians
so much :censored2: and crap in so many words.
Respected by who? Most countries stopped looking at this country for guidance and advice
Feared, yes, do to the fact that the ''leader'' of this country is mentally unstable
Beloved, by who? Russia? The rest of the world looks at us trying to figure what this 'glorious leader' is going to tweet or do next.


Probably the Greatest American Alive
That is not only a non sequitur, it is non-sense.
Spend that quarter wisely.
Learn the definition of non sequitur. Then read what you wrote about people being obsessed over HRC. Then look at your profile pic.

No gives a damn about HRC. She's a pompous, dried up old hag and the true definition of a :censored2:. Bill cucked her multiple times. Hell, he got a bj from an intern in his office while she was probably out making her own self-centered power grabs. At least Bill had the audacity to wipe his dong off on the lady's dress.
The thought of how anyone could like an arrogant, snobby pig like her is enough to cause cancers. She pranced around during the debates wobbling her head back and forth like Howdy Dowdy. She was so damn proud of being the first woman president she couldn't even give a thoughtful answer. And people characterized Trump as the bully...No. He played her. Threw her off her game and beat the brakes off her. Go cry me a river about "popular vote."


Well-Known Member
In what ways do you think Democrats have played fast and loose with the constitution? In what ways do you think the military has stopped them? Where can I get some of the kool-aid you're high on?

I can think of quite a few ways, most of them done by republicans and democrats both. And most of them were put into practice BY the military.
The Iran deal for example. That was an executive order. Congress is supposed to make treaties. Obama went around Congress to do what he liked with executive orders, in effect creating his own laws. All of his czars for example. The Constitution gives Congress oversight authority. His czars he appointed circumvented that. And I didn't say the military has actually physically stopped them yet. Obama actually said he wished he had a force as large and well equipped as the military. Why? I have peace of mind knowing that anyone who tried to overstep their Constitutional authority, no matter who they are, to seize permanent power would be stopped by our military. As long as there are dedicated professionals who believe in the Constitution running the military you're never going to see an authoritarian dictatorship here. Even Obama said he was humbled by the limits the Constitution put on his power.


Inordinately Right
Obama went around Congress to do what he liked with executive orders, in effect creating his own laws.
Funny I haven't heard you complain about Trump's executive orders.
Obama actually said he wished he had a force as large and well equipped as the military. Why? I have peace of mind knowing that anyone who tried to overstep their Constitutional authority, no matter who they are, to seize permanent power would be stopped by our military.
Do you get a discount buying tinfoil in bulk?
As long as there are dedicated professionals who believe in the Constitution running the military
Plenty of unconstitutional wars going on, who do you think is fighting them? What are you smoking?