Well-Known Member
hillary would have been a republican if she thought it would benifit her career. I think we the voters put more into their party affiliation then they do.
If there was a political party called doushbag Ho's that she thought could get her elected to the presidency then guess what party she would belong to.
I'm afraid you're all too right, Tie. Just look at the incomprehensible relationship between Hill and Bill. They're not together to create happiness and a family, they're together to create power and to keep themselves in the limelight, which is a rather chilling thought.
Hillary will say and do ANYTHING to get elected. She likes her money in big chunks from well known donors who will impress people to vote for her. With her, we had the largest Senate political fundraiser in history, the "The Hollywood Tribute", for just $25,000 per couple. Obama had Oprah on the road with him, Hillary had Bob the Builder on the road with her. (Bob Vila, the home repair guy...) Give me a break, please...
She repeatedly takes credit for her husbands administration as if she were second in command, referring to what "we" did. And, as the public conveniently has no access to the records she kept as first lady, she can pretty much claim anything she chooses to. Hillary’s never met a law or a federal regulation she didn’t like, or an aspect of American life she wouldn’t like to meddle with. She thinks it’s her and the government’s business to tell us all how to live our lives and that it takes a village — or Big Brother — to raise our kids, while many of us think we do just fine on our own, thank you kindly.
She couldn’t even manage her husband and all of his affairs but she can freely criticize Bush for not getting our intelligence right on Iraq...