Let me guess, you believe Trump is a conservative, right?
I'm sure you'll not read it, and believe the Washington Post is only "fake news" but I'll link this anyways.
"We find that President Obama is the most ideologically moderate Democratic president in the post-war period, with a first dimension DW-NOMINATE Common Space score of -0.329. President Lyndon Johnson, the second-most moderate Democratic president in this period, has a score of -0.345. President Obama’s ideological position is estimated from his “votes” (statements of support or opposition) on 282 congressional roll call votes. This amount is somewhat low; for example, President George W. Bush “voted” 453 times during his last term in office. However, it is adequate to recover his latent ideological score."
Since everything is about you when talking about immigration laws, please share your family experience that you've had since the Clinton years.