Hoffa on self driving trucks


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
You are more like trump than you know. You make up the rules as they go. I hate the GOP. You are the GOP.
I'm considering the Libertarian, Johnson/Weld ticket. Certainly the other two are selections don't make any "common sense"... You?... Nevermind.. I'll bet my Tesla (which we don't own) that you're invested in H & H. Hoffa and Hillary.:D

Oh, and you don't know me but your hate is very telling and typical of the union thuggery you show on here.


I'm considering the Libertarian, Johnson/Weld ticket. Certainly the other two are selections don't make any "common sense"... You?... Nevermind.. I'll bet my Tesla (which we don't own) that you're invested in H & H. Hoffa and Hillary.:D

Oh, and you don't know me but your hate is very telling and typical of the union thuggery you show on here.
I actually hate Hilary. You probably delt with a guy like me when you were a ups manager so you don't like me. It's well documented that I've gotten you guys fired for dishonest so I think that's what you mean. I stand up to the bully. I never lived the plush life like you. I've had to earn my way through life. The teamsters helped with that. You don't like teamsters or the teamsters. As far as thuggery I haven't payed hands on another member in over a decade so that's bull. I use my words and that must intimidate you.


Is that some kind of threat?
No it just shows your character. Most are scared of being found out on this forum. They'd be scared to go to work. Chit it's discussed in union hearing who I am. That's why I really don't have a lot of respect for posters like yourself. I'm in the real world. Heal accountable for what is said here you just lurk in the shadows. I don't have a whole lot of respect for that.


I wish you well. Not engaging in this dialogue with you anymore. Be well.
You always say that but you always come back. I think you really secretly like me. There's nothing wrong with you liking me. I'm a good looking guy who hates misjustices toward people of other religions sex creed nationality sexual orientation. I hate animal abusers and I saw my mom get the chit kicked out of her so I'd beat a man if I saw a women getting abused. I think you got a crush on me. Until another time when you want to talk I'll take the brake though. You be well too.


Inordinately Right
Ah, union and national politics and electric self driving cars in the same debate..... I'm so confused.

Got a brand new nissan for $11k that gets 30mpg, but it was made in Mexico by married women that Trump tried to :censored2: and then grabbed by the pusillanimous.... What were we talking about again?


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I actually hate Hilary. You probably delt with a guy like me when you were a ups manager so you don't like me. It's well documented that I've gotten you guys fired for dishonest so I think that's what you mean. I stand up to the bully. I never lived the plush life like you. I've had to earn my way through life. The teamsters helped with that. You don't like teamsters or the teamsters. As far as thuggery I haven't payed hands on another member in over a decade so that's bull. I use my words and that must intimidate you.

Again, you don't know me. There are many good teamsters that I have worked with, I was one. You don't exhibit a good teamster on this website, you're a bully and feel self important and are certainly not the only one to have had to earn their way and work hard.

Sorry your life has been less than plush.

You don't intimidate anyone with your made up personas on the internet. :laugh:


Again, you don't know me. There are many good teamsters that I have worked with, I was one. You don't exhibit a good teamster on this website, you're a bully and feel self important and are certainly not the only one to have had to earn their way and work hard.

Sorry your life has been less than plush.

You don't intimidate anyone with your made up personas on the internet. :laugh:
Yiu don't intimidate me either dude. You hold no power or sway over me. I don't think you are a real person either.


Good night all and remember to vote Hoffa hall. Mark the circle at the top of the ballot for whole slate. It's self addressed and pre paid.