How do we get pieces of farm equipment or propellers and fireplaces that weigh 150-200lbs but have 49 or 69 lb stickers? Why does management and safety ignore it and refuse to weigh? These things seem to pop up occasionally but peak has been ridiculous. I can easily do 200lbs myself but what's up with these stickers?
Big accounts? Stockholders? Mistakes?
As a package car driver, I only saw the trains coming with these monstrosities.
Now as a feeder driver, I walk through these hubs at night and see these piles of hernia-makers behind each trailer door.
I truly have gained a lot of respect for our part time hub employees.
To hoist these things up to the trailer, even with 2 people, makes me think WTF is Atlanta thinking.
Most of these "packages" belong on pallets and end up being damaged with the handling.
I hope the insurance claims put this 150lb stupid decision into the red.