
Well-Known Member
Oh come on.. get yourself together... time to kick it up a notch


Well-Known Member
They used to give excellent detailed instructions on how to load a truck - 30 years ago. Oral traditions were not handed down generation to generation. Knowledge was lost.

Today what we are told to do actually changes year to year. Management has no idea how to load trucks themselves. One year it's "wallpaper the back of the shelves with smalls" This year that is supposedly wrong. One year it's place the PAL label on the end of the package, the next year it's use crayons. Our building has the asinine practice of "bulking out" meaning about 45 minutes before the shift ends we are supposed to stuff EVERYTHING into the trucks. Brilliant! Now we can't get to 3/4's of the truck to put the packages in the right place. "Auditors" checking to see if we use crayons, who cares about load quality? Pointless nonsense but it makes management feel important.


I'm a star
thats takin it a little far. If you have a consistent loader who does a respectable job, you should give him some kind of tip. If you are lucky enough to have an exceptional loader who can put 400 pieces on your car in perfect stop for stop order, than I think u owe him a rather large tip. Unloaders, scanners, and others dont have any effect on your workday. So thats just dumb. A good preloader can be the difference between having time to stop for lunch or not. They work extremely hard and are pitifully compensated.

Just trying to point out that everyone's situation is different. The argument could be made that almost every part timer has some impact on your day, even if indirectly. If one person decides to tip every part timer in his building then calls other people cheap for not doing the same, I would consider that person unreasonable.

I agree that it's nice to tip your loader, and you should feel free to determine how much that should be. I do not agree that you should boast about how much you tip, or give other people crap if they don't tip as well, or at all.


Fight the power.
“Kid” doesn’t need a tip

He needs a kick in the ass
First time in over 10 years I didn’t tip my Christmas loader. Kid was an absolute maroon. Would show him over and over how to load it. He would look at me with a blank stare. I show him again he would nod. Every damn day a disaster.