Here's the big disconnect. The Courts and California DMV are two separate entities. The DMV had no holds or restrictions on file. Recently renewed by DL and received the Real ID with no problems. Vehicle insurance rates have been steady for 10 years. Weird....But it's done and over with.
Here's the big disconnect. The Courts and California DMV are two separate entities. The DMV had no holds or restrictions on file. Recently renewed by DL and received the Real ID with no problems. Vehicle insurance rates have been steady for 10 years. Weird....But it's done and over with.
Here's the big disconnect. The Courts and California DMV are two separate entities. The DMV had no holds or restrictions on file. Recently renewed by DL and received the Real ID with no problems. Vehicle insurance rates have been steady for 10 years. Weird....But it's done and over with.
That’s a very unfortunate set of circumstances and I’m glad you were able to keep your job. Some aspects of our criminal justice system seem designed to jam people up.
Here's the big disconnect. The Courts and California DMV are two separate entities. The DMV had no holds or restrictions on file. Recently renewed by DL and received the Real ID with no problems. Vehicle insurance rates have been steady for 10 years. Weird....But it's done and over with.