United Parcel Survivor
I have been thinking about going into feeder for a while now and its not for the money. My knees are shot and i was just wondering how hard of a transition was it for wny of you feeder guys/gals? How hard is it to get used to the hours? And how long before you get the hang of drivig/ backing up the semis? Do you encourage other to go for it? Any of you out there that tryed it and didnt like it? Ifso why?
the first few months are the hardest, but once you are use to not sleeping at night time then you should be ok for awhile.Backing up is not as easy but once you get some pratice, you'll get the concept of how it's done. if you have a family and wants to spend time with them then feeder might not be the right place for you. sure the money is good, but at 56-60 hours of work you no longer have a life!!