The DOT hours of service has helped make peak at UPS a little more tolerable.
True, until the last 2 years when we moved to 70 hours.
Most years back in the 80s we were under a strict 12 hour maximum. Starting at 8:15 A.M. would get you off at 9 P.M. with unpaid lunch taken. And that was the worst nights (perhaps 5-10 nights this late)... I did not punch out before 10:30 PM one night for 3 weeks in a row this peak.
In the 80s peak started a week after Thanksgiving (no cyber Monday or Black Friday)
Then peak day would be a week and a half before Christmas. The loads would be nearly normal 3 days before Christmas, and Christmas Eve day was 1/2 a day worked and a full 8 hours paid.
This peak our center worked every driver 69 hours for 4 weeks in a row. 13.5 hours and sheet the rest as missed every night for a month. Then the few hours you had left for 69 you were forced to work on Saturday.
Nov 1 started the 12 hour days which then became 13.5 after Thanksgiving.
The peaks of yesteryear were nothing compared to this year. Sorry old-timers, I was there then, and still working today. Some locations may not have seen these hours this year, but since they make far more money this way it is soon coming your way.