how to help my SPORH?


Ive been apackage car driver for 25 years. My advice to you is follow the methods first and production is secondary.Do the best you can each day and you will be fine.They will always look to get more out of you if you let them. do not skip ypur break and work as directed. They have every right to miss manage the co. if they wish too.they cant fire you for going to slow but they can fire you for not following the methods or working as directed


Well-Known Member
Tell them that you welcome them coming with you and telling you how to up your sporh. If you have a pain in the butt stop that you lose time at-tell them. Sometimes they may take it off and put it on a more convenient route. Follow all the rules and regulations and work safely. Don't take any of the shortcuts that all drivers learn after being on a route for a while. Take your full lunch and break. If you know that they are going to ride with you beforehand, warn your customers not to help. If you have good customers, they usually know not to help if a sup is with you.


Well-Known Member
I am sure your truck is full. Always do a six sided check on all delivery and p/u packages when the sup is with you.


Well-Known Member
how does the computer know if your delivering 3 2nd day letters that were the first 3 pkgs of shelf 2000, or the 3 66lb irregs that need the handtruck and were buried in the mess in the middle of the truck? As far as the computer knows both these stops would get the same allowance, how fair is this? no wonder most drivers at ups are overallowed. Your not going to get 3 irregs out of the truck in 8 seconds or whatever the allowance for that is? why isnt there a spot to put in for irregs, for using a handtruck, etc. The scary thing is that the allowances are based on averages, meaning some drivers actually did things faster than what the allowance was averaged on.


Well-Known Member
I was given a tounge lashing a few weeks ago because the onroad stupidvisor said I was running almost 1 hour over everday. There numbers are so screwed up and the route changes everyday but the idiot dosn't seem to understand. One of the old-timers gave me a few tips on helping my numbers, just wondering if any of these tips may help?
1. Get more signetures when making deliverys
2. put you leave building time in as late as possible
3. have as little time as possible from the time you do your last stop from when you clock out for lunch.
4. put in all packages you pick up from people handing you packages as un-scheduled pickups.
5. record all overweights during pu and deliverys.
6. don't do airs and grounds as one stop.
hope these help me out

You were under an say thats pretty good with the kind of allowance the company gives us for things:happy2: