While you're at it file with the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Program (OFCCP). This is a government agency that is SUPPOSED to mandate employers of 2500 or more employees ( I think we meet that criteria) have programs in place to HIRE, RETAIN and PROMOTE handicapped persons. Type "OFCCP" into your favorite search engine.
I would also file with the department of labor also.
I would file with both in a timely manner.
I knew a pkg car driver that had diabetes. One day the company just up and decided he couldn't drive pkg cars even after he showed them DOT regs that say he could drive a CMV up the weight of 26001 pounds (I think).
The company put him in the hub working one shift (3-5 hours a night) for two years. How are you supposed to support a family on that?
Then, out of the kindness of their hearts, the company gave him a second PT shift. The only problem was there was a 4 hour gap between the two PT shifts. He worked this split schedule for two years. No stress there.

This guy didn't bother with the union. As another poster has commented the union isn't much help with injured, sick employees.
This guy got an attorney. The judge ruled there was a violation of the ADA. This guy won and won big. He's not allowed to talk about it (gosh, I wonder why.....) but he gets this big grin on his face when he is asked about it.
The company wants you to think your husband is the only person in the world that has had this type of crap happen to him.....he isn't. A good attorney will know where to search for court decisions regarding this. I would also pursue the class action avenue mentioned by another poster.
By the way........that guy is still driving his pkg car
