I am done swallowing


Well-Known Member
Coffee in the morning. Who has kicked coffee/caffeine all together? and how do you feel? I was thinking of giving it a try.

Star B

White Lightening
i've kicked caffeine for the most part. I used to down energy drinks/coffee like there was no tomorrow. Now, I barely touch the stuff. At first, it sucked hard but in the end I feel it was worth it.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Never got hooked on the caffeine thing. Might have coffee a couple times a year; soda possibly once a month or two. Just have milk with breakfast and water the entire rest of the day. Do it. It feels pretty good.


Victory Ride
I need my morning coffee. I've cut way back on drinking pop, I replaced it with Seltzer water.
I have coffee in the morn .... I used 2 be addicted 2 Diet Pepsi during the day ....gave that up a few yrs ago .... drink a lot of vitamin water now and some flavored seltzer water ...since u started talking about it a while back .... used 2 have coffee at night .... not no more ...
I have coffee in the morn .... I used 2 be addicted 2 Diet Pepsi during the day ....gave that up a few yrs ago .... drink a lot of vitamin water now and some flavored seltzer water ...since u started talking about it a while back .... used 2 have coffee at night .... not no more ...
IntrI not to drink too much caffeine durring the day. You sleep a lot better at night.