I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Wow..who are these idiots that make the policy. im sure it will only get worse. fortunately, america is a big country so at least you can move to a state which is a little more enlightened.

Dennis who? liked
Stephanie Kelton‏Verified account @StephanieKelton 52m52 minutes ago

Cancel student loan debt.


Philip LewisVerified account @Phil_Lewis_
‘Fall behind on your student loan payments, lose your job. Twenty states suspend people’s professional or driver’s licenses if they fall behind on loan payments’ …

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Wow..who are these idiots that make the policy. im sure it will only get worse. fortunately, america is a big country so at least you can move to a state which is a little more enlightened.

Dennis who? liked
Stephanie Kelton‏Verified account @StephanieKelton 52m52 minutes ago

Cancel student loan debt.


Philip LewisVerified account @Phil_Lewis_
‘Fall behind on your student loan payments, lose your job. Twenty states suspend people’s professional or driver’s licenses if they fall behind on loan payments’ …
Add this to the new plan of taxing tuition breaks as income and we're on the way to an even lower education rate. USA USA!


The experience of numerous third-party vendors on Amazon, however, testifies that their online marketplace is the antithesis of a “free market.” Rather, the company is notorious for using the most sophisticated technology to drive out their competition and take over markets for themselves. By using algorithms to track sales data on Amazon, the company determines which products are most profitable, diverts traffic to their own marked-down version of the same product to drive out their competition, and then gouges the price to reap super-profits once they’ve established monopoly control.

Amazon is able to do this in part because they charge third-party companies 15-20 percent of their sales revenue for the ability to sell on Amazon, which impinges on profits and sets a higher price threshold at which companies can sell while still being profitable, thus enabling Amazon to perpetually undercut their competition.

With the establishment of an online marketplace catering to the federal government, Amazon will be able to track the Pentagon’s spending data on everything, and repeat the above process until they control every major market. Very shortly, Amazon could be the sole source of chairs, paper, desks, water bottles, etc. for the entire Defense Department, netting annual revenue of almost the entire apportionment of $53 billion, equal to 38 percent of the company’s overall $136 billion revenue in 2016.

House to vote on giving Amazon $53 billion deal to become main Pentagon supplier

n 2016, Amazon accounted for 38.1 percent of all online retail sales, followed distantly by eBay at 7.8 percent, Apple at 3.2 percent and Walmart at 2.8 percent. Amazon’s e-commerce sales are projected to grow by 32 percent this year, with their market share ballooning to 43.5 percent. If their growth continues at the same rate, Amazon will control 100 percent of online retail sales in roughly 10 years. With the help of the Pentagon, Amazon could reach this level of monopolization far sooner.


comical. richard wolff, im guessing america's most popular marxist economist, is increasingly getting retweeted 500+ times for his anti capitalist posts.

Richard D. Wolff‏Verified account @profwolff Nov 19

Masters routinely abused slaves (sexually as well). Accumulated rage helped end slavery. Lords' abuses of serfs likewise helped end feudalism. Kings' abuse of "subjects" ended many monarchies. And the effect on capitalism of employers abusing employees?




today is "giving tuesday" where people are supposed to donate.

im guessing people spend more money on buying stuff than they donate.

what does this say about us and where is our society headed?


at my work the inefficencies of capitalism are revealed. workers always say "i dont know why management did this" or "i dont know what management is thinking".

when you centralize decision making, there is a bigger gap between those who actually experience those decisions, and those who are making them. it would be more efficient to have more worker decisions because we are the ones who are on the ground.