I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
Do you even know them? Jeff is a good, loyal guy.
theres been undercover journalists posing as workers in amazons factories.

ralph nader has been raising the alarm like crazy about amazon and market capture. amazon censored user reviews of hillary the hawk clintons book to give it 5 stars.

and just generally its madness giving people that kind of wealth because excessive power follows.


Well-Known Member
today i filed my first grievance at my company.

a young manager my age was trying to get me to go home early which is normally music to my ears, and i told her no 2x, and then she warned me about studying on the job, i told her she should be a nurse instead of manager. she occasionally power trips.

for the resolution i requested she suffer either 1000 years hard labour OR $100,000,000.

i gotta look up the name of the creature jabba the hutt was gonna feed luke skywalker to in return of the jedi as another resolution.

my fellow coworkers thought it was hilarious i was grieving over going home early.


Well-Known Member
lee j carter was recently elected and endorsed by democratic socialists of america.

“Democratic socialism” refers to an array of left-wing economic worldviews that exist within the confines of a liberal democratic political system. Its adherents range from supporters of single-payer health care systems and more generous social welfare states common in other wealthy nations, to backers of more radical economic reforms like granting workers an ownership stake in the means of production.

For Carter, democratic socialism is “really just working people having more power in the workplace,” he said. “When you have a workplace that’s run democratically by the people who work there, they’re not gonna vote to ship their own jobs to China, they’re not gonna downsize because of a new piece of technology.”

How A Literal Shock Inspired A Former Marine To Run For Office As A Democratic Socialist


Well-Known Member
today i filed my first grievance at my company.

a young manager my age was trying to get me to go home early which is normally music to my ears, and i told her no 2x, and then she warned me about studying on the job, i told her she should be a nurse instead of manager. she occasionally power trips.

for the resolution i requested she suffer either 1000 years hard labour OR $100,000,000.

i gotta look up the name of the creature jabba the hutt was gonna feed luke skywalker to in return of the jedi as another resolution.

my fellow coworkers thought it was hilarious i was grieving over going home early.



Well-Known Member
theres been undercover journalists posing as workers in amazons factories.

ralph nader has been raising the alarm like crazy about amazon and market capture. amazon censored user reviews of hillary the hawk clintons book to give it 5 stars.

and just generally its madness giving people that kind of wealth because excessive power follows.
Jeff is definitely a liberal. Yes, amazon will take over the world. Nothing was given to Jeff. He's worked many 20+ hour days, often sleeping at work.


Well-Known Member
today i filed my first grievance at my company.

a young manager my age was trying to get me to go home early which is normally music to my ears, and i told her no 2x, and then she warned me about studying on the job, i told her she should be a nurse instead of manager. she occasionally power trips.

for the resolution i requested she suffer either 1000 years hard labour OR $100,000,000.

i gotta look up the name of the creature jabba the hutt was gonna feed luke skywalker to in return of the jedi as another resolution.

my fellow coworkers thought it was hilarious i was grieving over going home early.
How much is your work profiting off you?


Well-Known Member
Jeff is definitely a liberal. Yes, amazon will take over the world. Nothing was given to Jeff. He's worked many 20+ hour days, often sleeping at work.
please. as we speak amazon is getting different cities to race to the bottom in a bidding contest for corporate welfare.


Well-Known Member
im not sure. im more familiar with american numbers than canada.

you always talk about "good deals" so you should know or at least put up articles from economists to give you a general idea.
You mix and match minimum wage and median wage in nearly all your posts.


Well-Known Member
The 400 richest individuals in the United States have more wealth than the bottom 64 percent of the population, and the three richest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 50 percent of the U.S. population.


Well-Known Member
from intercepted podcast:

nomi prins: and why Trump connects everything to the stock market, is because it is the one thing that you can objectively look at that has a number that has gone up. You can’t do that with wages. You can’t do that with job quality. You can’t do that job longevity. You can’t do that with your health coverage. You can’t do that with lots of other things that most people count on for their day-to-day lives and to make the day to day payments and money that they need to survive them.


Well-Known Member
garbage economy. dont be fooled. this graph is a few years old; its even lower now.



Well-Known Member
the problem with capitalism is that it gives too few people too much power. this is also a problem with other economic systems. unions give more power to the workers, but capitalism still has too much power even with them.

i think you can measure a nations understanding of economics partly by how high the unionization rate is. having worked several :censored2:ty unionized capitalist jobs including UPS, i am amazed the unionization rate is not higher.


Well-Known Member
we have slave mentality at my job. at least 1 union guy and probably a few more are snitches for management. im not a racist but it seems like there are racial cliques at my job and i automatically dont trust certain races at my place because they spend too much time in managements office.

the blacks are the best; america and canada really :censored2:ed up discriminating them, because africans at my job know how to stick it to the company the most and have the most fun.

the slave mentality at my job (and obviously at most job considering theyre not even unionized) reminds me of people who love capitalism and always think everything is perfect and that were not collectively wrong about something.

take american child labor which was practiced in 1900. alot of idiots including religious preachers defended it.