I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


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25% of the population makes less than $10 / hr.

they talk about historical inequality compared to french revolution, and also how americans went socialist and formed unions during the great depression and the business class' reaction to it in the decades that followed.

they mention mainstream media bias how capitalism / the system is never debated, you only hear about pornstars, immigrants, tariffs, etc.

they also talk about the tax cuts to the rich they passed. how they measure the unemployment rate to magically drop the number. how stock buybacks are economic suicide. when america loses its reserve currency and how the economy will severely contract and what that looks like around the world.

they say this is a last gasp of greed before it all crumbles which i understand as either some kind of socialist reform, or increasing fascist lunacy.



Well-Known Member
wrong thread :censored2:face!

and i saw soundgarden and him solo too.
I thought the lyrics were right up our alley:

Sink load and fire till the empire
Reaps what they've sown

How about ugly truth?

But money can't give
What the truth takes away
Throw it away

How about this 80s classic?



Well-Known Member
I thought the lyrics were right up our alley:

Sink load and fire till the empire
Reaps what they've sown

How about ugly truth?

But money can't give
What the truth takes away
Throw it away

How about this 80s classic?


i was semi joking btw


Well-Known Member
25% of the population makes less than $10 / hr.

they talk about historical inequality compared to french revolution, and also how americans went socialist and formed unions during the great depression and the business class' reaction to it in the decades that followed.

they mention mainstream media bias how capitalism / the system is never debated, you only hear about pornstars, immigrants, tariffs, etc.

they also talk about the tax cuts to the rich they passed. how they measure the unemployment rate to magically drop the number. how stock buybacks are economic suicide. when america loses its reserve currency and how the economy will severely contract and what that looks like around the world.

they say this is a last gasp of greed before it all crumbles which i understand as either some kind of socialist reform, or increasing fascist lunacy.

I’ll bet you didn’t check up on anything.


Well-Known Member
UK's problem is canada's problem is americas problem. although americas is the worst, canada second worst.

Chelley Ryan #RJCOB‏ @chelleryn99 21h21 hours ago

OK I'm recruiting for #JCsArmyOfHate - You can join up if you hate inequality, hate our NHS being plundered, hate young people not being able to afford to leave home, hate the sick & vulnerable not getting the support & care they need, hate our students being saddled with debt



Well-Known Member
the golden gate bridge is following china Apple factories lead and installing suicide nets. this is much more efficient for capitalists as you simply brush the fallen suicidal worker off the next and direct them back to their working station. it also creates a higher supply of workers which drives down wages.

and o yea suicides are up in america. 23,000 by guns, which is really likely one of the major issues with guns. im not sure why these other countries with mediocre economies have suicides falling. crime is down in america which doesnt make sense either.

How and where growing numbers of Americans are taking their own lives

"THIRTY-THREE people leapt from the Golden Gate Bridge last year, plunging 75 metres to their deaths. Yet the tally could have been much worse. Another 245 contemplating suicide were talked down by the police patrols who diligently comb America’s most famous suicide site. Plans to construct a suicide-prevention barrier (a large net) have now been agreed on: it will be completed in 2021 and cost $204m."


Well-Known Member
I’m not saying they’re lying. But they might not be telling you the full story.
Like rising minimum wages, and the unemployment report.
peak minimum wage adj for inflation was in 1968, and last i recall the min wage is 25% lower than then.

and i dont consider raising the min wage an achievement anyways although its desperately needed.


Well-Known Member
peak minimum wage adj for inflation was in 1968, and last i recall the min wage is 25% lower than then.

and i dont consider raising the min wage an achievement anyways although its desperately needed.
You talk about it a lot. Minimum wage is huge when you talk about $10 an hour. Our minimum is about par with 1968 and is going to $13 soon. I worked at minimum wage for 2 months once in high school. It was a great start.


Well-Known Member
You talk about it a lot. Minimum wage is huge when you talk about $10 an hour. Our minimum is about par with 1968 and is going to $13 soon. I worked at minimum wage for 2 months once in high school. It was a great start.
lets say america had the highest min wage its ever had adjust for inflation (which last i checked it doesnt). that doesnt mean you have a good economy. people working min wage is sad.


Well-Known Member
lets say america had the highest min wage its ever had adjust for inflation (which last i checked it doesnt). that doesnt mean you have a good economy. people working min wage is sad.
Well stay on one topic. Why are you talking about minimum wage when it’s not something you want to talk about? I don’t know how/why people over 20 work for minimum wage. So, get to the real issue then.


Well-Known Member
Well stay on one topic. Why are you talking about minimum wage when it’s not something you want to talk about? I don’t know how/why people over 20 work for minimum wage. So, get to the real issue then.
hey if you dont want to talk about it fair enough