I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
And in fact the Japanese, early in their crisis, they said the biggest mistake we made was not writing down the bad loans in the banking system. Don’t repeat our mistake.

And we did this in a more indirect manner by having the Fed engineer these super-low interest rates that were a transfer from savers to the financial system. Economist Ed Kane said that basically savers lost $300 billion in income a year. So that reduction of income right there, you see today. There’s a Wall Street Journal story about how pension funds are in crisis. There’s not a single mention of the fact that the zero-interest-rate policies are the reason why the pensions are in distress. All retirees and long-term savers, life insurance, they’re all in the same boat. It used to be that if you were a saver or an asset holder, you could get a decent positive return doing something not crazy. And the Fed took that away. The big reason the pensions are in crisis is because the way we dealt with the crisis.
There are many, many, many articles over the last 10 years about how low interest rates hurt fixed income / retirees / pensions, etc. Especially in 2008/09. Obama took a pass on the economy, and let the fed handle it. Again you are a decade late.


There are many, many, many articles over the last 10 years about how low interest rates hurt fixed income / retirees / pensions, etc. Especially in 2008/09. Obama took a pass on the economy, and let the fed handle it. Again you are a decade late.
presidents don't really give a :censored2: about workers


If you’re a deplorable, you got :censored2:ed. You know why the deplorables are angry? They’re rational human beings. We took away the risk for the wealthy. Look, you have socialism in this country for the very wealthy and for the very poor. And you have a brutal form of Darwinian capitalism for everybody else. You’re one paycheck away from oblivion. - steve bannon
I don't think these ppl are rational


Well-Known Member
you took orders as a ups worker.

im advocating that all workers should be on the board. more democracy
You cannot have all the workers on the board. They all get a vote but at the end of the day, the board is in control. And the president executes the orders of the board.


You cannot have all the workers on the board. They all get a vote but at the end of the day, the board is in control. And the president executes the orders of the board.
FYI some companies have all the workers on the board. and im in favor of that


Well-Known Member
cooperatives obvs

I was a Board member at the food cooperative I worked at.

Total :censored2: nightmare.

I dig you Ricky, and I like your passion, but at some point you’re just going to have to deal with reality.

We live in an actual world, which isn’t the world we want, yet...

I agree that we should work toward change, but it’s imperative to participate in the world you want to change.

Otherwise you’re just another idiot on a useless forum.


Well-Known Member
I was a Board member at the food cooperative I worked at.

Total :censored2: nightmare.
What were the problems? My experiences were that there was a lot of politics, a couple factions that wanted control, a lot of childish gossip to discredit others. Many didn’t care about the business itself.


I was a Board member at the food cooperative I worked at.

Total :censored2: nightmare.

I dig you Ricky, and I like your passion, but at some point you’re just going to have to deal with reality.

We live in an actual world, which isn’t the world we want, yet...

I agree that we should work toward change, but it’s imperative to participate in the world you want to change.

Otherwise you’re just another idiot on a useless forum.
yea I donate a lot. that's about it. im with u on the last part. I guess I vent on here.


a youtube quote on animal farm:

My personal favorite point to take from Animal Farm is how Boxer is treated. He is loyal, works harder than anyone, an inspiration to others. He works so hard he is crippled, and he is assured he will go to his just reward. That reward? The glue factory. Those in power will use you up and if they can get a couple pennies for your corpse they'll do that too.


nowhere special