I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Henry Swanson's my name, and excitement's my game.
Living staandards are falling partly bc wage increases dont keep up w inflation. puerto rico workers make less now for example
I am getting about 250 after taxes at ups around 225 on union due week. It's enough for a tank of gas and a carton of smokes


Henry Swanson's my name, and excitement's my game.
Only prob w longshore is they busted rail unions so whos to say they cant do it to longshore
The ILWU is too powerful especially now they have the country by the balls.If these mandates ever come into effect better believe the longshore are going to lead the nation wide general strike


Well-Known Member
The ILWU is too powerful especially now they have the country by the balls.If these mandates ever come into effect better believe the longshore are going to lead the nation wide general strike
I hope they do that regardless ur in bad shape. I used to work w them but i was railway