I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
Robert Reich
It takes a real special strain of libertarianism to defend billionaires who pay less in taxes than school teachers.

The big package

Well-Known Member
Robert Reich
It takes a real special strain of libertarianism to defend billionaires who pay less in taxes than school teachers.
You mean the job creators ? They pay 40.1% of the overall taxes in this country . They also don't destroy young minds by trying to divide the races !!!


B.C. boohoo buster.
You mean the job creators ? They pay 40.1% of the overall taxes in this country . They also don't destroy young minds by trying to divide the races !!!
I do agree on the point that money makes money and poop makes poop. People who add value, and significant value at that, to the economy deserve to be congratulated and incentivized. A progressive tax policy seem to fit the best when we define fairness, "in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity".

Yet, all are not born equal with equal opportunities. Ensuring that our country provides as great a social, political and economic environment as we do incentives for wealth and wealth creation seem to fulfill the intent of our constitution's preamble. Redistribution of wealth has been the only proven means in which to do this. To provide the greatest good for the most people. Pure unregulated capitalism has consistently fail as a utility to meets the goals of our constitutions mandate.

Another issue is China. China has done, so far, what western economist and political scientist thought impossible. Combining Communism with Capitalism. They have a system in place that not only is advancing economically but technically and militarily. The social component, for now, seems to largely under control as the ruling single party system keep prosperity moving wider among their populace.

The danger to the future of the US, our standard of living and liberty is the political right wing (Republicans, especially the Trumpian Republicans) endless Red Baiting and Either Or choices. Trump and his allies in the Republican party have criticized those Republicans that voted for the infrastructure bill. Yet, in that bill the US takes a giant step towards counting China's economic and technologically advanced infrastructure.

We need to recognize that calling someone a commie and socialist isn't going to help America compete when we have a communist country about to succeed us as the world's greatest economic and military power.



Well-Known Member
You mean the job creators ? They pay 40.1% of the overall taxes in this country . They also don't destroy young minds by trying to divide the races !!!
capitalists dont try to divide races?? lol

the way taxes work in america is like a sideways C so the richest pay less than people who earn less

american libertarianism thinks letting corporations do whatever they want will lead to the greatest outcome and freedom lol

traditional libertarianism wants workers to vote on the job which is what i always promote

The big package

Well-Known Member
capitalists dont try to divide races?? lol

the way taxes work in america is like a sideways C so the richest pay less than people who earn less

american libertarianism thinks letting corporations do whatever they want will lead to the greatest outcome and freedom lol

traditional libertarianism wants workers to vote on the job which is what i always promote
Most of your teachers that also happen to be in the teachers union are all on board with critical race theory . They're destroying young minds by making them feel guilty about being white . As far as taxes go the middle class pay the majority of taxes in this country .The wealthy pay 41% and the poor pay nothing in income tax . Now the way it works in this country if you want to be in that upper tax bracket you have to work hard , take risks and you will get there . That's what capitalism is all about . And by the way more poor people in this country have become millionaires than any other country in history , just a fact !!!


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Most of your teachers that also happen to be in the teachers union are all on board with critical race theory . They're destroying young minds by making them feel guilty about being white . As far as taxes go the middle class pay the majority of taxes in this country .The wealthy pay 41% and the poor pay nothing in income tax . Now the way it works in this country if you want to be in that upper tax bracket you have to work hard , take risks and you will get there . That's what capitalism is all about . And by the way more poor people in this country have become millionaires than any other country in history , just a fact !!!
The response will be priceless


Well-Known Member
Most of your teachers that also happen to be in the teachers union are all on board with critical race theory . They're destroying young minds by making them feel guilty about being white . As far as taxes go the middle class pay the majority of taxes in this country .The wealthy pay 41% and the poor pay nothing in income tax . Now the way it works in this country if you want to be in that upper tax bracket you have to work hard , take risks and you will get there . That's what capitalism is all about . And by the way more poor people in this country have become millionaires than any other country in history , just a fact !!!
the idea that you will be rewarded if you work hard and take risks is a myth.

capitalism is about taking orders from your boss. this doesnt qualify as freedom or democracy and actually its a system which centralizes power in bosses hands.

The big package

Well-Known Member
the idea that you will be rewarded if you work hard and take risks is a myth.

capitalism is about taking orders from your boss. this doesnt qualify as freedom or democracy and actually its a system which centralizes power in bosses hands.
Wow with that attitude , no wonder you've gotten nowhere . Getting free stuff from the government won't get you anywhere either . So hard work and risks is all you've got if you want to get ahead . Capitalism is the only system that has ever worked historically . Why do you think people are killing themselves to try to get in this country every day

The big package

Well-Known Member
the idea that you will be rewarded if you work hard and take risks is a myth.

capitalism is about taking orders from your boss. this doesnt qualify as freedom or democracy and actually its a system which centralizes power in bosses hands.
By the way if you don't like taking orders start your own business . That's what makes this country great !!!


Well-Known Member
Wow with that attitude , no wonder you've gotten nowhere . Getting free stuff from the government won't get you anywhere either . So hard work and risks is all you've got if you want to get ahead . Capitalism is the only system that has ever worked historically . Why do you think people are killing themselves to try to get in this country every day
The capitalists in late stage capitalism feed off the govt. for example public education is seen as huge profit opportunity. Or social security. they feed off wat supports the system.

Govt bailed out the banks in 2008. but not us. it sold off its assets and increased taxes.

Btw im now a skilled worker and ive applied for work overseas so suck it trebek

South americans kill to get into north america bc north america is least worst.

Capitalism doesnt work and is unsustainable


Well-Known Member
disgusting college capitalists from what i can tell dont even let you buy books to own, you can only access them for a limited time