I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
No. Then it's Capitalism. People can choose whether they want to shop at a store or not if they don't like their prices.
haha. capitalism may or may not include price gouging. i just saw one the other day for some medicine that americans need and this company that jacked the prices more than 1500% over a few decades.

from google:
Price gouging is a pejorative term referring to when a seller spikes the prices of goods, services or commodities to a level much higher than is considered reasonable or fair, and is considered exploitative, potentially to an unethical extent.


Well-Known Member
im glad most states are so civilized to have a law against some kinds of price gouging during emergencies ;)

of course after the emergency, they can resume their regularly scheduled programming of price gouging.
Have never seen any regular price gouging. Fo you have any examples? If I don't like the price, I don't buy it.


Well-Known Member
Have never seen any regular price gouging. Fo you have any examples? If I don't like the price, I don't buy it.
costs of some drugs like i said and could probably be applied to the US healthcare system in general. pay day loans comes to mind. tuition is out of control. i remember back in my consumer days to fix a sticker on my truck cost (not me) $80 to $130 if i remember.


Well-Known Member
costs of some drugs like i said and could probably be applied to the US healthcare system in general. pay day loans comes to mind. tuition is out of control. i remember back in my consumer days to fix a sticker on my truck cost (not me) $80 to $130 if i remember.
So no, you don't have any specific examples. Pay day loans aren't price gouging. There is a reason why they charge 400% APR.


Well-Known Member
So no, you don't have any specific examples. Pay day loans aren't price gouging. There is a reason why they charge 400% APR.
yea i did and if you searched it you could find out more.

but dont worry, eventually ill post something here about it as a way of also bashing capitalism


Well-Known Member
too funny things change fast! but then again, guys i listen to quickly point out how things can change from one decade to the next.

one of americas most famous marxists on fox business describing the alternative to capitalism


Well-Known Member
yea i did and if you searched it you could find out more.

but dont worry, eventually ill post something here about it as a way of also bashing capitalism
Do you know how to be specific and use only facts? Not your opinion.

For example : to say 71% of workers are in debt. That might be fact, I don't care. But it is only a general statement. It jdoesn't give the real picture. One could owe $1 million, but control $3 million in assets. Money can be generated from that debt to not only sevice the debt, but generate income. To buy/leverage more assets, or hire people.

About half of the working population works for a small business. Many of those businesses take on debt to get started, buy inventory, pay employees. Are any of these small business owner in your 71% statistic?

In just housing, a $300,000 home in 2012 with 20% down ($60,000). Is worth $450,000+. So you can control $450,000 with a debt of around $215,000.


Well-Known Member
Do you know how to be specific and use only facts? Not your opinion.

For example : to say 71% of workers are in debt. That might be fact, I don't care. But it is only a general statement. It jdoesn't give the real picture. One could owe $1 million, but control $3 million in assets. Money can be generated from that debt to not only sevice the debt, but generate income. To buy/leverage more assets, or hire people.

About half of the working population works for a small business. Many of those businesses take on debt to get started, buy inventory, pay employees. Are any of these small business owner in your 71% statistic?

In just housing, a $300,000 home in 2012 with 20% down ($60,000). Is worth $450,000+. So you can control $450,000 with a debt of around $215,000.
like i said some of my posts are more general, some are more specific. up to you to look it up or not in those cases.

yea because u have another housing bubble.

when you have debt, you have to find money to pay it off every month. so it means you are less likely to go on strike, less likely to pursue say non profit work. im thinking specifically what has been said about student debt, which is out of control.

and you know what i may be against property taxes in a sense because where im from an old person could have their house paid for yet in theory they could be pushed out by property taxes because of extreme price appreciation.


Inordinately Right
when you have debt, you have to find money to pay it off every month. so it means you are less likely to go on strike, less likely to pursue say non profit work. im thinking specifically what has been said about student debt, which is out of control.
If you're "thinking specifically" about student debt, I guess you're not aware your loans can be placed in deferment if you are out of a job.... that means you don't have to pay until you are employed.

and you know what i may be against property taxes in a sense because where im from an old person could have their house paid for yet in theory they could be pushed out by property taxes because of extreme price appreciation.
Property tax amounts are frozen for those 65 and older if they're below a certain income limit here.


Well-Known Member
when you have debt, you have to find money to pay it off every month. so it means you are less likely to go on strike, less likely to pursue say non profit work. im thinking specifically what has been said about student debt, which is out of control.
That has not been my experience. Maybe the problem is you have a poor mans mentality or think strictly as a consumer. Many borrow money to make money and run their business. Although I did have some heavy margin calls in 2009-10 with LVS thanks to Obama.


Well-Known Member
That has not been my experience. Maybe the problem is you have a poor mans mentality or think strictly as a consumer. Many borrow money to make money and run their business. Although I did have some heavy margin calls in 2009-10 with LVS thanks to Obama.
well not all debt is bad, but the amount of debt students are taking on is insane, and the amount of debt people are taking on for mortgages where i live is insane.


Nine Lives
That has not been my experience. Maybe the problem is you have a poor mans mentality or think strictly as a consumer. Many borrow money to make money and run their business. Although I did have some heavy margin calls in 2009-10 with LVS thanks to Obama.


Well-Known Member
yea you do. by coincidence i will post here in the future to back that statement up. for now you can check jesse colombo, try max keiser, michael hudson.
Please try to make it recent. Some of the stuff you posted was nearly 10 years old. Rising prices don't constitute a bubble. We have been churning through inventory for nearly a decade. For years We were posting sales below replacement value.


Well-Known Member
well not all debt is bad, but the amount of debt students are taking on is insane, and the amount of debt people are taking on for mortgages where i live is insane.
Your residence is your lifestyle. Price is what you pay, value is what you get.