I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Nine Lives
Lol, I thought that all the mods would be sleeping by now. I was going to start looting.
Ro ahead big doggy!


Well-Known Member
i do a job where im listening to music / talk all the time, but im one of few people who actually makes good with this opportunity.

after the revolution, everyone will listen to some politics and music and anything else at their jobs. after the revolution, people will have questions and a thirst for life instead of just going through the motions.


Well-Known Member
some countries like o canada have housing bubbles so your going to get low value for what you pay. better off leaving the country.

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

There are 2 sides to a trade. Keep looking, I'll bet you can find some value. You always sound so defeated.

Why leave? If it's truly a bubble, you can wait on the sidelines with your loonies.


Well-Known Member
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.

There are 2 sides to a trade. Keep looking, I'll bet you can find some value. You always sound so defeated.

Why leave? If it's truly a bubble, you can wait on the sidelines with your loonies.
i think most people are defeated with capitalism. thats why so many people are almost losing their minds with scapegoating similiar to what hte germans did with hitler. i have hope because right now i have a plan for school and moving. when i had no plan it was much harder; but i was middle class either way which was alright.

i want to leave because i dont like the social policies and i hate the weather.


Well-Known Member
my boss confessed to me that nobody gives a :censored2: at our job. im sure being paid by the hour and not having any incentives to care which are characteristics of capitalism has nothing to do with it ;)

the capitalist bureaucracy is so bad at my job they pay me overtime to do nothing.


Well-Known Member
my boss confessed to me that nobody gives a :censored2: at our job. im sure being paid by the hour and not having any incentives to care which are characteristics of capitalism has nothing to do with it ;)

the capitalist bureaucracy is so bad at my job they pay me overtime to do nothing.
Being paid by the hour is what I like best. Gives me 13 months of pay vs only 12.


Well-Known Member
Being paid by the hour is what I like best. Gives me 13 months of pay vs only 12.
the problem with that is as an employee they dont tell you how much they profit off of you, and in this day and age of weak labour markets in north america and record corporate profits, they are probably ripping us off.

the other major problem is that capitalism centralizes control (like other economic systems including what the russians had) so it leads to miserable work environments.


Well-Known Member
the problem with that is as an employee they dont tell you how much they profit off of you, and in this day and age of weak labour markets in north america and record corporate profits, they are probably ripping us off.

the other major problem is that capitalism centralizes control (like other economic systems including what the russians had) so it leads to miserable work environments.
Why are you always worried about what everyone else is doing? When I hire someone (attorney, contractor, mechanic, realtor, etc.). I don't care how much they make. And I never tell them how much I'm making off their services. I only compare their bids with others in their field.

We currently have a robust labor market. I could easily find employment at $20-$25 an hour today. My problem is that it's smarter for me to wait a few years to collect my pension first.

The problem with what you want, is that it has failures. Which you don't want to talk about. In my opinion, much more catistrophic failures. For example, if ups goes broke, I can walk somewhere else.


Well-Known Member
Why are you always worried about what everyone else is doing? When I hire someone (attorney, contractor, mechanic, realtor, etc.). I don't care how much they make. And I never tell them how much I'm making off their services. I only compare their bids with others in their field.

We currently have a robust labor market. I could easily find employment at $20-$25 an hour today. My problem is that it's smarter for me to wait a few years to collect my pension first.

The problem with what you want, is that it has failures. Which you don't want to talk about. In my opinion, much more catistrophic failures. For example, if ups goes broke, I can walk somewhere else.
the failures in capitalism are even greater which is why so many experts are in favor of worker coops.

im not comparing to other people who arent paying you, i am comparing with the employer in that example. but yes people should also be extremely concerned about inequality because it destroys democracy which US is a prime example of.

the labour market is not doing well at all. feel free to delete that part. theres an epidemic of middle aged whites committing suicide and an opiod crisis related to the poor labour conditions. why do you think people voted for such a bizarre candidate like trump, or even bernie sanders - a socialist. because the economy (and govt) is a disaster


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We have just been offered a $30,000 Challenge Grant by the Lannan Foundation.
My name is Betsy Avila and I am the Executive Director of Democracy at Work. In the past few months we have focused on improving the quality of our original content thanks to the incredible monetary support of individual donors like you. To support our operational work, we recently submitted an application to the Lannan Foundation requesting a supplemental grant. The Lannan Foundation enthusiastically responded with a note of moral support...as well as a commitment to a $30,000 challenge grant.

This is a challenge for all of us. Contribute now and help us reach our $30,000 goal.

Every contribution through our website is matched dollar for dollar by the foundation through September 30. Thanks to the grant, your contribution counts for TWICE the amount. Help us get as close as possible to the challenge grant limit!
Step up to the challenge, contribute today: http://www.democracyatwork.info/donate
I and the entire d@w team thank you for your support and for your commitment to our mission,

Betsy Avila
Executive Director

Democracy at Work


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U.S. lags behind peer countries in mobility

The relationship between father-son earnings is tighter in the United States than in most peer OECD countries, meaning U.S. mobility is among the lowest of major industrialized economies. The relatively low correlations between father-son earnings in Scandinavian countries provide a stark contradiction to the conventional wisdom. An elasticity of 0.47 found in the United States offers much less likelihood of moving up than an elasticity of 0.18 or less, as characterizes Finland, Norway, and Denmark.


Well-Known Member
repost of george lucas views on capitalism:

ROSE: There's also the side of you that's a political animal. I mean, you are, among people who know you, a billionaire who's not that crazy about capitalism.

LUCAS: That's true. (LAUGH)

ROSE: Tell me about --

LUCAS: Well, I grew up in the '60s. I grew up in San Francisco. And so I'm informed in a certain kind of way about, you know, believing in democracy and believing in America. And I'm a very ardent patriot. But I'm also a very ardent believer in democracy, not capitalist democracy. And I do not believe that the rich should be able to buy the government. And that's just the way I feel.

ROSE: Is that the America you see, where the rich have bought the government?

LUCAS: Oh, come on. It's been that way for a long time. And it's just -- you know, it's -- it's not right. And -- and it's not gonna work and --

ROSE: And will it change?

LUCAS: Well, I hope it changes. I mean, it's hard, because you got human nature. You got people -- you know, basically, it's all -- we got a country based on greed. And as long as you got that, then it's corrupt. And as long as it's corrupt, you're never gonna get a real meeting of the minds on what is best for --


Well-Known Member
so right now im doing OT at my job because they let you bank at 1.5x what you work. if i was french, i wouldnt have to do this because in france they work 35 hours a week and closer to 32 hours a week in the south.

even when they passed the labour "reforms" in france, they didnt dare touch the 35 hour work week because it was so popular.

also i was thinking when you dont practice economic democracy at work with workers voting on stuff on the job, then it also weakens political democracy outside the job. people will be passive and their "representatives" will be corrupt.

a free market means free movement of labour across borders, not just capital. so if you dont like free movement of labour then you dont like free markets. im not really sure what to think of markets in a post capitalist society. im in favor of decentralized groups of people getting together to plan things out if they feel like it.
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Well-Known Member
if you want to get politically involved but dont want to make the time to do it, then donations is one way to go.

the easiest way to consistently donate (if your concerned about pessimism / you are not strong with the force) is to set up a automatic monthly withdrawal on your credit card. however it makes more sense to do a lump sum if a foundation is matching donations. this way you can also cover what you would have donated years ahead. you can ask the place your donating to how often they get matching donations, and when is the best time because perhaps they might even get matching by 3x or 4x i have no idea.


Well-Known Member
after the revolution, people will do cardio and march in the streets at the same time. instead of just doing cardio and accomplishing nothing politically. kill 2 birds with 1 stone.


Well-Known Member
so right now im doing OT at my job because they let you bank at 1.5x what you work. if i was french, i wouldnt have to do this because in france they work 35 hours a week and closer to 32 hours a week in the south.

even when they passed the labour "reforms" in france, they didnt dare touch the 35 hour work week because it was so popular.

also i was thinking when you dont practice economic democracy at work with workers voting on stuff on the job, then it also weakens political democracy outside the job. people will be passive and their "representatives" will be corrupt.

a free market means free movement of labour across borders, not just capital. so if you dont like free movement of labour then you dont like free markets. im not really sure what to think of markets in a post capitalist society. im in favor of decentralized groups of people getting together to plan things out if they feel like it.
I need some ot because I cannot finance a piece of land and want a kicker motor. I want the land to hold another share of stock in the corporation. Plus I can put a rental on it. Maybe I'll tap some 401k funds. After all 401k funds are for my future.


Well-Known Member
if you want to get politically involved but dont want to make the time to do it, then donations is one way to go.

the easiest way to consistently donate (if your concerned about pessimism / you are not strong with the force) is to set up a automatic monthly withdrawal on your credit card. however it makes more sense to do a lump sum if a foundation is matching donations. this way you can also cover what you would have donated years ahead. you can ask the place your donating to how often they get matching donations, and when is the best time because perhaps they might even get matching by 3x or 4x i have no idea.
No thanks, I never donate politically. Always check the no box on my taxes. I'll stick with the food bank and local donations.


Well-Known Member
after the revolution, people will do cardio and march in the streets at the same time. instead of just doing cardio and accomplishing nothing politically. kill 2 birds with 1 stone.
I'm good, I'll just lock my doors and watch it on TV. I hope it doesn't interfere with the Hawks game.