And in my opinion you should be able to make your point without using a combat wounded veteran as a prop. You guys can mock me by calling me "GI Joe" or "boot" or whatever you want but I get a little sensitive when I see you guys using our wounded veterans as props. WKmac is smart enough, I think, to bash this Country without doing that.
I think you are saying that you would rather see your son die than come home alive but wounded. That may or may not be true but from my view we all have a strong desire to live. I am sure you have probably noticed that in your personal life also. You may just be saying that you worry for your son no matter what and I think that all parents do that and it would go without saying.
Ignorance is bliss, isn't AV8....I got the same vibes wkmac got, that implying the improvements in our frontline medical/medevac, is some sort of justification of constant warfare, and the consolation prize for our young men and women, is to look forward to new and improved prosthetics....that's a pathetic excuse IMO
Sheltering the people from the casualties of war, as your cheerlead for, sanitizes the emotional repuccusions effect, and is intended to control public anger over controversial warfare on Terrorism. The public has a right to see and to know what their Gov't/Corp. and Military Ind Complex are up to, and we have a right to see the cost of that military action without invading the personal space and privacy ramifications of the victims families. What your lobbying for is a form of manipulative censorship of persuassive justification.
On a side note.....I find it odd that many of the Right Wing persuasion, who like to make a big noise about supporting the troops are almost always in favor of the policy of not photographing our wounded or showing the flag draped coffins….it’s intellectually dishonest to say we support the troops if we don’t have the courage to truly acknowledge and provide for our wounded, maimed, PTSD, deceased, and pay tribute to them. IMO we should have the visual reminders of what the war is costing us. The photos of flag draped coffins and wounded veterans are REALITY….something Americans are often lacking in dealing with. And if showing the photos somehow hastens the end of the warfare in the Middle East, I’ll support it because I don’t want to be going to my sons funeral or the funeral of my neighbor’s son or daughter over a conflict with a made up, propped up enemy. A picture does indeed speak a thousand words.
So many Americans are reminded once a year when they go to the beach and cook hot dogs in the backyard on Memorial Day. Just one day for Americans to see and honor the sacrifice of our fallen/wounded when it occurs is not enough. Something our public should be aware of, Memorial Day should be 24/7-365....
First, I want to thank you for your service to our country and the ideal of the American way of life.
The Anti-American pair shouting at the top of their lungs would much rather our military set back and allow radical islamic terrorist and the communist of the past to go unabated to piece by piece take over the world, eventually even the USA. There is no doubt that our government is out of control and we have threats to true freedom from the inside as well as from the outside, however I don't see that as an excuse for the name calling and down right insulting remarks. I've read post after post where slams are made toward people "using" our son's and daughter's dedication to true patriotism for "promoting" war, then in turn use them in reverse and call it "lunacy". I guess it is true that it takes all kinds to make up the world we live in.
I take may hat off to you and all the other "G.I. Joes and Janes".
Here comes TRP moseying on in, riding his majestic white horse, with his Boss Hoss 10 gal hat, and red-white-and blue

-kickers, dosing out Anti-American citations.
TRP, what makes you more of an American than anybody else in Brown Cafe ?
Is it the stars and stripes on cowboys boots ?
There may be some who think your anti-American because your desecrating our flag on an ugly pair of cowhide boots.
So what makes someone like a TRP an authority of challenging someone else's patriotism ?
Is comply, complacent and reform, the patriotic norm ?
Is it un-American to self examine, expose, criticize, challenge, dissent for the betterment of a tainted leadership ?
President Ike must be anti-American via his farewell speech of warning the American Public of the growing powers of the M I C.....
The only anti-American here is you TRP. TRP appears to be ignorant of the history of our Great country and the era of Joseph McCarthy.
TRP would have you believe that Progressives/Ind/Libertarians and anti-War advocates are all anti-American and unpatriotic who disagree with the Neo-con red Neck agenda.
TRP suggests we're all American Idiots. This is blatant stupidity. In reality, it is TRP's views that smack the tenents of Fascism.
TRP, I suspect you even believe that the President and members of congress are anti-American.
And should we even get into the, "be very afraid of the commies and radical islam spliel,"?
Obvisously, the Matrix ind complex has you feasting on a fat steak as well.....