I fought for you....


Well-Known Member

The extreme left used his death to promote their cause. The military tried to create a hero to promote their cause. The civilian leadership did not fire those in the military responsible. I feel bad for the family. They should not have had to go through that.

We agree on that one. I've been surprised at the lack of PR even from the antiwar front, if you want to call it extreme left I've no problem with that term, concerning the documentary movie "The Pat Tillman Story" which has been out a couple of months. Reason magazine did a story on the movie about a month ago and it leaves one wondering if the movie does anything much either way to reaching a conclusion. I've not seen the movie yet as it's distribution is limited but at some I point when I can, I do plan too.

I've always heard the conspiracy theory side that Pat had become antiwar, was gonna come home and tell the truth and thus was killed because of it but based on what I know and it is limited in that respect, I don't see it that way at all. Just a tragic event all the way around regardless.

On a side note, Politico is reporting that former Air Force lecturer and University of Chicago Professor Robert Pape will present documentation today to Congress that since 1980' Suicide Terrorism is linked to military occupation. We'll see where that goes but I'm not expecting much weeks away from a major midterm election. It's all about getting and holding onto power at this stage of the game.



Staff member

The extreme left used his death to promote their cause. The military tried to create a hero to promote their cause. The civilian leadership did not fire those in the military responsible. I feel bad for the family. They should not have had to go through that.
Agreed on all counts.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by diesel96

TRP, I suspect you even believe that the President and members of congress are anti-American.

OK, I'll admit I'm on the same page as TRP on this but I'm betting for very different reasons!

Appreciate many points made D.

Thx, But don't go Michele Bachman on us....:wink2:

You say I am ignorant and pathetic. I assume it is OK for me to now call you ignorant and pathetic. I never offered an excuse for war. For you falsely claiming that I will claim you are ignorant and pathetic. I believe in the Constitution and the Constitution gives Congress the power to send the nation to war. I may agree with the reasons or disagree with the reasons but I do not offer an excuse because it is totally up to Congress as laid out in the Constitution. Wkmac gave the implication that the reason war is bad is because people lose limbs. I will not call him ignorant or pathetic since he has not called me names yet. I will say there are many more reasons that war is bad. I only offered my opinion on the subject of using a wounded veteran as a prop to try and make a point. I still believe part of the reason we get so many people that live through these horrific wounds is due to the highly competent medical care we receive on the front lines. I also believe it is in part due to our superior TTP's, equipment, training, leadership and discipline.If you think that is ignorant or pathetic you should offer a reason why. I suspect in the normal liberal ignorant and pathetic way you will not and only name call. Again ignorant and pathetic. You replied with the implication that you would rather your child die than lose a limb. For this I will call you pathetic. My opinion from personal observation is that when metal meets bone most have a strong will to live. I've heard many times before a first combat experience people claim they would rather die than lose a limb much like you. That alway seems to change. I thankfully only know a few people that were severely wounded and all are thankful to be alive. Our company started with 105 men and we had 26 purple hearts. Several people were wounded more than once but we had a self imposed limit of one purple heart per soldier. I will not call you ignorant for your opinion because it is different than mine I only offer this as a background as to how my opinion was shaped. I would rather have an adult conversation and avoid the name calling as it tends to add nothing.

One last note I will say you can support the wounded troops without using them as a prop at the veterans hospital to teach your children that war is bad. That is why this all began.

Also I can tell you that our enemy is not a made up enemy. They activly try to kill Americans.

Ignorance isn't a slam...."Pathethic" was aimed at your excuse of modern warfare frontline Medic and E-vac technology as a small consolation of continuing war in the Middle East. That "pathetic"part wasn't aimed at you personally, rather at the comment. However this "pathetic" part is aimed at you.... for forming or molding your own opinion of insinuating I favor my son coming home in a flag draped coffin rather than with missing limbs. This opinion you formed is not only off limits, but is pathetic....I don't know if your a Father or not, but ALL Fathers can relate to any outside insinuations/opinions between a Father and son's bond will be met head on..... I don't believe we need to be reminded how sufficient/efficient the US Military is in piecing our wounded back together, but rather what the hell are we doing there to begin with.

As far as your Constitutionality claims of Congress approving this nation go to war....Let's here what a genuine Constitutionalists has to say about your claim....


BTW....Wkmac did called you a name. GI Joe with statist ties, remember ? I guess he's ignorant and pathetic like me.... but you'd rather challenge a more "Readers Digest" version of a left of center personality than an Anarchist that posts a thesis thats difficult to repudiate....Or Refudiate, When Sarah Palin decides regular English words aren't good enough, she'll just go ahead and make a new one....Let's move on....


Well-Known Member
BTW....Wkmac did called you a name. GI Joe with statist ties, remember ?

I do not think calling him GI Joe would fit. Like I said earlier your petty name calling and his mocking my military service do not bother me. I do still find it offensive to use wounded or dead service members as a prop to try and make a point. I am detecting some type of creepy Love thing going on with you and WKmac and if you do not mind will you please leave me out of it. If he wants to attack me for something I said in a reply to him he is fully capable and has done so many times before. Your reply(rant)directed at me about Palin and Paul honestly seems a little strange as well.

BTW Article I section 8 you may wanna check it out if you really do not think that Congress has to power to send our nation to war.

I have decided that it is none of your business if I am a father, uncle, married, single, childless, or anything else that is not relevant.

threatened our freedom since WWII. In fact our freedom is slowly being disentergrating from within, financially/politically.....in the name of security

You have been one of the largest supporters on here of the government taking away freedoms yet you post something like that. If I thought you were an honest person I would ask you how it feels to live with multiple personalities.


Well-Known Member
I do not think calling him GI Joe would fit. Like I said earlier your petty name calling and his mocking my military service do not bother me. I do still find it offensive to use wounded or dead service members as a prop to try and make a point. I am detecting some type of creepy Love thing going on with you and WKmac and if you do not mind will you please leave me out of it. If he wants to attack me for something I said in a reply to him he is fully capable and has done so many times before. Your reply(rant)directed at me about Palin and Paul honestly seems a little strange as well.

Actually, you and Wkmac probably are closer butt buddies on alot more domestic issues than he and I.......Except this foriegn policy debacle is the 800 lb gorrilla on Lady Liberty's back..

BTW Article I section 8 you may wanna check it out if you really do not think that Congress has to power to send our nation to war.

You may want to check out that all the wars the U.S has been involved in through the last 70 years have been illegal (under our constitution).


I have decided that it is none of your business if I am a father, uncle, married, single, childless, or anything else that is not relevant.

Never asked, and don't care.....The father bit wasn't a question, but rather a statement. Usually I use a question mark when I form a question.

You have been one of the largest supporters on here of the government taking away freedoms yet you post something like that. If I thought you were an honest person I would ask you how it feels to live with multiple personalities.

I 've rallied against the very things you cheerlead for, such as....Bush Doctrine, Patriot act, Wireless Wiretapping, entering our bedrooms, control women, criminalize pot, etc....Now that's literally taking away our personal private freedoms one tentacle at a time.
I'm sorry you think healthcare, SS/Medicare, recovery act, infrastructure investments, US Auto bailouts, clean air/green earth, abolishing tax cuts for the rich is taking away your freedom. It just gets tiring of hearing fake fiscally conservative war hawks and Corperate facebook buddies who don't like paying taxes and balancing budgets.....


Well-Known Member
You may want to check out that all the wars the U.S has been involved in through the last 70 years have been illegal (under our constitution).


The Constitution gives Congress the power to declare war. It does not outline how they must declare war. If they authorize the use of military force that is completely within the rules of the Constitution. The use of military force is an act of war. You want them to pass a declaration of war resolution I am assuming and I can understand why an extreme left wing radical like you would want that as it also would give the government the power to seize companies and implement wage and price controls. I would be all for a declaration of war resolution if they would take out those provisions(and a couple of others) and also because it would force the complete morons into a box where they could not claim that they think that the use of military force is not an act of war.

I want to also add that the congressman you claimed was the utmost "constitutionalist" also voted to send our Country to the war in Afghanistan that you claim is unconditional. He also refused to vote on things like HR 2956 and S 1927.

I'm sorry you think healthcare, SS/Medicare, recovery act, infrastructure investments, US Auto bailouts, clean air/green earth, abolishing tax cuts for the rich is taking away your freedom. It just gets tiring of hearing fake fiscally conservative war hawks and Corperate facebook buddies who don't like paying taxes and balancing budgets.....

See there you go again with your multiple personalities. First you claim it is bad to trade liberty for security and here you defend you willingness to trade liberty for security.


golden ticket member
Incident at the tomb of unknown soldier

Bless our troops always... this trooper laid down the law in a wonderful way...

There is really something wrong with our country, when people laugh at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The guard sternly, "silenced" a group of people laughing at the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier.

Not a peep was heard afterwards.

Notice how he went about it....stepped off the black mat, made his comments, proceeded to the end of the mat without getting back on until he reached the end....then stepped onto the blackmat again, began his 21 steps again.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Incident at the tomb of unknown soldier

Bless our troops always... this trooper laid down the law in a wonderful way...

There is really something wrong with our country, when people laugh at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The guard sternly, "silenced" a group of people laughing at the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier.

Not a peep was heard afterwards.

Notice how he went about it....stepped off the black mat, made his comments, proceeded to the end of the mat without getting back on until he reached the end....then stepped onto the blackmat again, began his 21 steps again.


You have NO IDEA what the "crowd" was laughing at in this video. There is NO WAY possible for anyone to determine what made the people laugh at that moment or if the people in the crowd were even FACING the direction of the guard.

Pure speculation and an improper use of a video for political purposes.

In the video, you cant even determine how far away the people laughing were in relation to the guard.

Quite a stretch for anyone to say that the "crowd" was laughing at the tomb.





golden ticket member
You have NO IDEA what the "crowd" was laughing at in this video. There is NO WAY possible for anyone to determine what made the people laugh at that moment or if the people in the crowd were even FACING the direction of the guard.

Pure speculation and an improper use of a video for political purposes.

In the video, you cant even determine how far away the people laughing were in relation to the guard.

Quite a stretch for anyone to say that the "crowd" was laughing at the tomb.



This is where we differ.....it doesn't matter what they were laughing at. They are instructed how to behave for this ceremony ahead of time.

Would you also excuse laughter at the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor ? Better ask your friend, red thunder how they feel about it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You know Moreluck, in your desperate attempts to bash everything in this country but your own thoughts, this video shows the level you are willing to go to simply repeat something that is sent to you.

People in the crowd could be a good distance away and maybe someone fell, tripped, or did something that the crowd was amuzed at. While I understand that "decorum" at the tomb should be observed, but you can help unexpected gifts of comedy when they arise, sort of like when I read most of your morning posts.

Given the level of laughter (in volume) and the level that the soldier has to exert, it can be easily said that the crowd was a good distance away. Funny stuff happens no matter where your at, even in church.

I have been to the Arizona memorial, and I can PERSONALLY tell you that there is plenty of laughter in the crowds. Only the O L D fuddy dudies who want to pretend its still 1950 get offended. There are kids there laughing all the time.

You have ZERO IDEA who was in the crowd, and it could be a bunch of Tea Partiers laughing at each other while standing in the crowd, either way, you still havent a clue on the circumstances.

I find this story alot to do about nothing.




Well-Known Member
Incident at the tomb of unknown soldier

Bless our troops always... this trooper laid down the law in a wonderful way...

There is really something wrong with our country, when people laugh at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The guard sternly, "silenced" a group of people laughing at the Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier.

Not a peep was heard afterwards.

Notice how he went about it....stepped off the black mat, made his comments, proceeded to the end of the mat without getting back on until he reached the end....then stepped onto the blackmat again, began his 21 steps again.


Outstanding post, no matter what the nay sayers have to say after this post.
Thanks for posting this.


Staff member
Tos may be right. Could have been the latest political cartoon about that socialist obama being laughed at by people watching on an iphone.