Maybe if those drivers were smarter with their money, instead of buying big trucks, boats, fancy cars and motorcycles and shallow luxury items like that, they'd be able to retire.
I think it explains why we put him on ignore. Or was that you that did it. I'm not sure how that guy made it to retirement in the management ranks with that mind. Must have been a bean counter hiding in the back office.
A friend was doing an ojs ride one time with a guy who claimed he was heat stroke and dropped to the grass in a customers front lawn.
Concerned supervisor then says are you ok do you need some water?
driver says oh my I can't stand , the heat is bothering me . i am so light headed. I need some water. Supervisor then immediately rushed to side of customers house and grabbed the hose.
driver see's supervisor with hose in hand headed his way and has miraculous recovery. Immediately gets up and runs out of range before the supervisor can hose hime down.