This morning I was notified by a supervisor of an up coming suspension in a not so friendly manner. I went to the bathroom for what was literally 30 secs to compose myself I work pre-load so tensions run high at this hour. Upon returning I asked my supervisor since I was being scolded about attendance would he happen to know when I was getting a check I never received from April ( this was not the wisest decision I know, but like I said tensions were running high and the new supe was really rude in the way he talked) well this seemed to extremely Irritate him. Looking back I should have just done what I have been doing for two years an taken the verbal abuse but something about this morning just wouldn't let me take it anymore. Well now he is angry and speaking very loudly( I never once raised my voice, he may not have appreciated my tone but I never was one for public drama so my inside voice remained in affect) he informs me to return to my work station and counts with his fingers to 3 he then asked for my ID an said I am being terminated. At this point I defused the situation by telling him I am returning to my work station no need for that. He accepts my submission an allows me back to my station. While I am at my station I still hear him and my union rep going back an forth, everyone does because the supervisor is now yelling. About 10 minutes later I am instructed to come down from my station by a higher power and told that I am being discharged and will be escorted off of the premises. I'm shocked at this point because the original supervisor had already let me back In my station and informed me to finish, basically he had dropped it but I guess the continued bickering back and forth with him and my union rep rubbed him the wrong way and made him go back on his original decision of letting me return to work. My union rep told me not to worry gave me a few numbers to call and to just inform them of the situation. He re assured me over and over do not worry I am not being fired. I just want opinions on what will likely happen next please no jokes serious answers only this all happened this morning so it is very much so still fresh. Sorry for the length thank you for reading.