I was just fired for reporting an dishonest employee! What to do?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
It means they purchased the stole phone and tried to activate it and couldn't, so he was angry at the person he purchased it from and decided to turn them in


It's a vicious cycle
ok so maybe you're just a kid so you don't know. but, the posters say "UP TO $10,000." that means that you don't get $10,000 every time you catch someone stealing a nickel. just ask yourself how would it make any sense to give you ten grand? i mean they're already paying the LP like $200,000 a year, they got to pay another ten grand every person they catch? it'd be cheaper to just let people steal at that rate. they got to be stealing like a million dollars for you to get the full ten grand. you catch someone stealing Iphones, and you tip them off, they'll give you like a hundred dollars maybe two hundred. and that's what you do, you just tip them off, tell them where to look. you don't put your own hand to the stolen property and turn it in and tell them where you got it from and expect $10,000. because that makes it look like you stole it yourself and you're pinning it on someone else to get the reward. and even if you're not, your claim that you got it from them is just heresay. You don't play cop, unless you're the cop. next time, you need to figure out how things work in the world by asking people instead of just assuming it works the way that is convenient to you. live and learn.


Well-Known Member
ok so maybe you're just a kid so you don't know. but, the posters say "UP TO $10,000." that means that you don't get $10,000 every time you catch someone stealing a nickel. just ask yourself how would it make any sense to give you ten grand? i mean they're already paying the LP like $200,000 a year, they got to pay another ten grand every person they catch? it'd be cheaper to just let people steal at that rate. they got to be stealing like a million dollars for you to get the full ten grand. you catch someone stealing Iphones, and you tip them off, they'll give you like a hundred dollars maybe two hundred. and that's what you do, you just tip them off, tell them where to look. you don't put your own hand to the stolen property and turn it in and tell them where you got it from and expect $10,000. because that makes it look like you stole it yourself and you're pinning it on someone else to get the reward. and even if you're not, your claim that you got it from them is just heresay. You don't play cop, unless you're the cop. next time, you need to figure out how things work in the world by asking people instead of just assuming it works the way that is convenient to you. live and learn.
Just because something "looks like" or whatever....doesn't mean it's so. It's just "heresay" also(By LP/whoever).

Now, the OP could have gotten his ducks in a row better before going forward......

It could have happened exactly like the OP said.

Indeed, we learn...or should.


Well-Known Member
Just because something "looks like" or whatever....doesn't mean it's so. It's just "heresay" also(By LP/whoever).

Now, the OP could have gotten his ducks in a row better before going forward......

It could have happened exactly like the OP said.

Indeed, we learn...or should.

Are you sticking with this account today?


Well-Known Member
This is why it is best to just mind your own. Reporting conduct of other employees is not your job. It is the responsibility of the employer to maintain conduct of its workforce. Snitching never works in your favor, like literally never.....


Well-Known Member
That has to be a troll account. I refuse to believe anyone is that stupid.
Had a new driver past packet had a late NDA letter and thought he was gonna get in “big trouble” so he drove into an alley and threw letter in dumpster. Someone saw it, reported it, management went out and retrieved it and pulled him off car. Telemetry confirmed his drive to dumpster. Never came back. Now that’s Stupid!
So, around a month ago, I got wind of a person who I got hired at UPS was stealing from the company the way I found out was by speaking with one of our mutual friends and him telling me that not only was she stealing from my mom in my mailbox, but she was stealing from the job I got her on with And everywhere around my job at UPS. There are signs with $10,000 reward posted on it for any dishonest employee termination. so I bought the iPhone that she stole and turned it into my supervisors a month ago then Monday my supervisor asked me to stay after work And I work in the unloading sorting and scanning so after waiting around a while for him to show up, he shows up and he reminds me of the phone that I turned in and said that security wanted to speak with me as he did when I told him initially, so after going upstairs, and speaking with the security guy he then tells me that they tracked the number on the iPhone and saw that it came out of a trailer that I was unloading that day which I think is a bunch of malarkey but still I didn’t find anything wrong with that because I unload is what I do. I search multiple packages a day so it’s possible they did come to my trailer , nevertheless I returned it to the company after buying it from a the mutual friend( replacing the cash he spent on it and just viewing it as an investment for the $10,000 reward), myself and the dishonest , employee share, being that the dishonest employee, and myself was once also friends before she stole the mail from my mom, which happens to be six checks .he comes back in the room after telling me to hold on for a second and tell me I have two options I can either resign or be terminated I am livid. What do I do ?
When a mutual friend informs you that somebody is stealing from you, it’s called “hearsay.” You can’t always assume they are right. Otherwise you risk getting into trouble. I know, it’s unfortunate.

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