I was termed today.

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dookie stain

Cornfed whiteboy
Trump says the exact same thing Bill Clinton said on illegal immigration and the media twists it as racism... And of course all the sheep eat it up


Well-Known Member
UPS ad money going to media streams saying positive things about atheist rights. Better contact marketing and cancel that contract. In fact get charlotte on the line and have her ask for the money back. To bad Malik's brother waited till the last minute to try and actually do something. A year and change sooner and I might have been protected from you hateful bigoted ignorant black Baptists. (and your spoiled brat kids)


Well-Known Member
UPS ad money going to media streams saying positive things about atheist rights. Better contact marketing and cancel that contract. In fact get charlotte on the line and have her ask for the money back. To bad Malik's brother waited till the last minute to try and actually do something. A year and change sooner and I might have been protected from you hateful bigoted ignorant black Baptists. (and your spoiled brat kids)

UPS ad money going to media streams saying positive things about atheist rights. Better contact marketing and cancel that contract. In fact get charlotte on the line and have her ask for the money back. To bad Malik's brother waited till the last minute to try and actually do something. A year and change sooner and I might have been protected from you hateful bigoted ignorant black Baptists. (and your spoiled brat kids)
Well yeah atheists need packages too, since God can't use his magic to bring the packages too them


Well-Known Member
Now that UPS has taught me a lesson, you guys want to sign my petition?

Well yeah atheists need packages too, since God can't use his magic to bring the packages too them

I don't know. I have had several sups and managers that seem to think angels will just deliver the packages while they just kick back and do nothing. That was not a compliment to drivers, I'm literally saying super natural forces.


Well-Known Member
UPS ad money going to media streams saying positive things about atheist rights. Better contact marketing and cancel that contract. In fact get charlotte on the line and have her ask for the money back. To bad Malik's brother waited till the last minute to try and actually do something. A year and change sooner and I might have been protected from you hateful bigoted ignorant black Baptists. (and your spoiled brat kids)
You poor, poor, little white man. I feel so sorry for you. Smh:speechless2:

Brown echo

If u are not alive than for sure truth is not real
My steward declined to help. I asked him if I had to turn over my badge when asked and he nodded yes.

The long story short is I was asked questions, and the people asking the questions didn't like my answers. So they reported it as harassment. I also made an off color joke to a coworker, about another coworker that was being inconsiderate. 3rd party had a beef with me already, over heard it, and reported.

My understanding is I have about a day to file. My steward didn't help at work. I kind of think this is more to exclude me from all the hours going on over peak. Still have to go through the paper work. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

The interesting thing is I have reported issues that I felt were harassing or discriminating and ups has done nothing to my knowledge. They may have talked to the people, but a while later they just started doing it again.


Well-Known Member
Why does it not surprise me a Johnson is involved in this?

‘Kids make stupid mistakes,’ said Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson. ‘Part of whether or we not we seek a hate crime (is to) determine whether or not this is sincere or stupid ranting and raving. I think part of it is just stupidity. At this point, we don’t have anything concrete to point (toward a hate crime).

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4091036/Call-disgusting-attack-Obama-s-yard-exactly-Trump-hating-race-crime-against-defenseless-white-man-young-black-Americans-shame-country.html#ixzz4UuFEtnHb
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White guy when asked says he doesn't want to get with black girls... "Oh that's so hateful and terrible and racist and epitaph!" -the Johnson family

If you are not adult enough to talk about race you should probably take real advice from morgan freeman

Instead of this made up crap

If you didn't like my first petition, how about this one? Since I know you guys are UPS hate, hate so much.
Charge Brittany Herring and Her Accomplices with Hate Crimes | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government


Well-Known Member
^That sounds like an incentive. According to USP you would only get it if you were first.

Here it is. Alt-Right Leader Richard Spencer Punched in the Face During Live Interview
You can hear the woman in the background ask him if he would marry a black woman. Then a black guy assults him. Cause that's what's cool with black people. I think Donny should get his mommy to shoot me. You know, give him some street cred for that up and coming album. I mean wasn't P-diddy a suspect for killing tupac?

The funny things about that Rage against the machine song (which I think I have on CD from highschool) "The song's lyrics reference the allegation that some members of US police forces are members of the Ku Klux Klan, whose symbol is the burning cross." -wiki. The Cross, a Christian symbol. hmm, yet I donated through work to FFRF, the people that say take your crosses down. Sure would have been hard to get on that donation cycle again if I wasn't working the first week of January, even though I had signed up to, cause I got fired. To bad they took away the parking spaces, right? I can't say I didn't apply to dallas police after the Micah Johnson's shooting spree. I'm not military and I'm not Christian like UPS management so wasn't even considered. Oh, and the band actually has talent.

You yall-Qaeda management sure you didn't mean to post this song instead?
Like smile when you see steve kenicki, that's real important.


^That sounds like an incentive. According to USP you would only get it if you were first.

Here it is. Alt-Right Leader Richard Spencer Punched in the Face During Live Interview
You can hear the woman in the background ask him if he would marry a black woman. Then a black guy assults him. Cause that's what's cool with black people. I think Donny should get his mommy to shoot me. You know, give him some street cred for that up and coming album. I mean wasn't P-diddy a suspect for killing tupac?

The funny things about that Rage against the machine song (which I think I have on CD from highschool) "The song's lyrics reference the allegation that some members of US police forces are members of the Ku Klux Klan, whose symbol is the burning cross." -wiki. The Cross, a Christian symbol. hmm, yet I donated through work to FFRF, the people that say take your crosses down. Sure would have been hard to get on that donation cycle again if I wasn't working the first week of January, even though I had signed up to, cause I got fired. To bad they took away the parking spaces, right? I can't say I didn't apply to dallas police after the Micah Johnson's shooting spree. I'm not military and I'm not Christian like UPS management so wasn't even considered. Oh, and the band actually has talent.

You yall-Qaeda management sure you didn't mean to post this song instead?
Like smile when you see steve kenicki, that's real important.

Did you forget your meds this week?
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