no that steward plays for the other team. the grievance I filed about being denied work... He had been going around telling people that when OT is involved, the company can work a lower seniority person before higher seniority. I was trying to get a 7 day punch. I asked him what article it was in the current contract that says double shift doesn't go by seniority when OT is involved. He said,"its not in the the contract, it just is."
I had skin cancer last year on my arm. I went back to work the same day. I was just using one arm in small sort. I was doing about 100 pph slower using one arm. My fulltime sup said I had to go home, or get a doctors note and work with both arms. (because it hurt her pph) Actually she was saying a box could fall and rip my stitches open, in small sort, for a completely covered and glued and stitched area. Anyway, I said hey, you have to accommodate me because cancer is a disability, ADA. He sided with the sup. I said something about him siding with management because his dad was a manager at the same hub. (notice a trend yet) He got really upset about that.
I was in the union for a while. I got out because at my hub they just let management walk on people. We get out benefits and contract from the national agreement. But for the most part they are not really clear cut penalties for when they do break the agreement. And the stewards just let them because for the most part they are allowed to slack and ride the clock, or get paid on a quick sup working claim. And really they say it goes by seniority, but its who you know. So many of the higher paying jobs are military or family or family of military, at least at my hub.