Well-Known Member
Whether his behavior had elevated toward the point of warranting termination isn't relevant -- it's pretty clear from the conversation that management wanted him gone, and finally felt the had enough evidence to warrant a termination that would stick.
Bottom line is its okay for management to behave badly, they have "friends." This guy is pretty much spot on. I knew what Steve's intention was from the get go. I had posted a reply to a video from the CEO on UPSers several months ago about how management didn't really understand the numbers, how they cheated, how they didn't manage just bullied, about how they were unprofessional, and didn't really follow guidelines. It had been one long string of retaliation up to this recording. Like at the end of the night I would go down to sort out the remaining volume to sunrise, and catch next day... There were usually 3 people, but 2 skilled hard working people could do it. They started sending just me, intentionally. The volume was just too heavy and you can't catch every package. After 7+ years a strange thing started to happen. When I started making decent money I actually cared about doing a good job. Digging out every next day and making sure customers got what they paid for, before the planes took off in the little time we had, was my top priority every night. Working solo I had to throw packages a few feet away to a slide, just to make room, before the area you just cleared was filled with more packages falling off the belt. Steve comes over and sees me tossing packages, and rips into me for it. He even quotes right from my post on UPSers. I straight up told him if he wants me to not to throw packages, get me adequate help. He said one person was enough like I was lazy. I also started being reprimanded on appearance. I don't feel I was in violation, I just didn't really take time to bleach stains out of my shirts. I had dressed the exact same way, everyday in my 9 years there. I had been accused of wearing a uniform jokingly. I think all the talk fine details of the dress code started because of an issue where young female employees were wear excessively reveling clothing. I had said it wasn't professional. Pretty sure that is why Steve is saying my actions are not professional in the recording. UPS management seems pretty ok with seeing young girl's asses hang out of the bottom of their daisy dukes in practice. I personally don't mind seeing it. But maybe its empathy for other female employees that don't want to do or feel the need to do that sort of thing at the workplace, that made me complain. When I tried to go driving they basically held me to a "you better be perfect" standard. That was for things like pointing out sups not enforcing wearing your badge. I was even told by cheri that I had to memories the DoK "word for word" to pass the class. I got to class as there were people who barely knew it and passed with an abridged version. Before I got in the car it was already decided everything I would do was wrong. I certainly wasn't going to get the FT driver job I won the bid on. (that I had an email confirming FT from cheri)
Somewhere in here it said I could have had my job back if I apologized. I filled a corporate complaint about a PT sup just walking up to me one day and saying,"You look gay." I never got an apology for that. I kind of feel that statement is more about making a white atheist, kiss a black Christians ass. I refuse. And with all the media lately I still don't feel I'm wrong. Several people, especially Rose would insinuate I was gay, because I didn't have a GF. Just to degrade me. I put up with for a long time knowing if I got mad it would only make them do it more. I eventually complained about it as harassment. Pretty sure that is why they called me out as harassing, even though he asked me a series of specifically racially charged questions, and it only that one time we worked together. I don't know how you call that unwanted or repeated. Funny thing is though, I was telling Shane (the kid Jay recommend) about the conversation between me and Don, and fully agreed with me. He went on to say all the stereotypical stuff about how black people smell, and their hair... pretty sure he still works there.

Edit: grievance probably was actually corporate concern, if you can actually call it that
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