
IE boogeyman
2.) Went from creating 2350 full time positions from existing part time positions for the period of the old contract to 10,000 over the life of the new contract in the new proposal.
why do you guys waste time on stupid crap like this, it backs the company into a corner where it has to make stupid business decisions for years just to accommodate 22.3 language


Gravy route
why do you guys waste time on stupid crap like this, it backs the company into a corner where it has to make stupid business decisions for years just to accommodate 22.3 language
Because we want UPS to treat their employees like human beings.
Part timers have families and mortgages etc.
Long time part timers should have a shot at a full time gig to make a living wage.

Nice try trying to create a split in solidarity.
Typical management tactic.

We won't forget the 70 hour rule crap this year.
Management will have not find a sympathetic ear with Teamsters.


Parts on Order
Air horns! Yeah baby!

When I first started I went out to take the air horn off an old Mack that was Ada/vem and couldn't find it. I wanted to put it on my brother in laws dump truck. Thats when I found out none of the tractors had air horns. Didn't know you could order a tractor without air horns. Learned something new that day.

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
TCD=2 tier wages...

TCD is 85% of full-time pay or around $30 an hour right now.

Two tiered to me is coming in at bottom progression and getting hosed for 4 years. The difference in going full-time starting at new progression and going full-time starting red circled at TCD rate is around $80k over 4 years from what friends have told me.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
TCD is 85% of full-time pay or around $30 an hour right now.

Two tiered to me is coming in at bottom progression and getting hosed for 4 years. The difference in going full-time starting at new progression and going full-time starting red circled at TCD rate is around $80k over 4 years from what friends have told me.
Sounds like they got y'all brain washed down there.


Well-Known Member
TCD is 85% of full-time pay or around $30 an hour right now.

Two tiered to me is coming in at bottom progression and getting hosed for 4 years. The difference in going full-time starting at new progression and going full-time starting red circled at TCD rate is around $80k over 4 years from what friends have told me.
Do they get health care and pension contributions???

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
TCD is 85% of full-time pay or around $30 an hour right now.

Two tiered to me is coming in at bottom progression and getting hosed for 4 years. The difference in going full-time starting at new progression and going full-time starting red circled at TCD rate is around $80k over 4 years from what friends have told me.

We have pt cover drivers. Most are runners. Skip lunch break. They honestly think they will be full time faster if they do this? Only thing is on vacation. They only get a pt ck. Most work on vaca

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Remeber, in any negotiating, you always ask for more than you will get.
Be interesting to see what the ups proposal is, and which of the union proposals make it into the new contract......


Inordinately Right
We have pt cover drivers. Most are runners. Skip lunch break. They honestly think they will be full time faster if they do this? Only thing is on vacation. They only get a pt ck. Most work on vaca
156 reports gets you FT vacation the next year.

Don't think they really run any more than a FT swing driver here.

Rick Ross

I'm into distribution!!
Obviously the best thing would be for UPS to hire more drivers and pay them a fair wage to start. The progression we have now sucks and if I wouldn't have been redcircled at the higher rate I wouldn't have gone full-time...I couldn't live on $19.50 an hour and being sent home all the time.

For all I know they no longer pay 85%. I was under the last contract and don't see new package drivers since I work in feeders.

As far as skipping lunch and all that foolishness, older drivers need to get that stopped. Being the #1 cover driver means nothing, any part-time employee with more time will still get a full time bid before a cover driver with less seniority.


My Senior Picture
Here's what I don't understand.....why now???

What happened to the group that numbered and collected all of the literature distributed at the "Two Man Meeting"???....

....and all of a sudden in the infancy of the "negotiations", now offer "transparency"???


Diads being locked out for lunch....no drones or driverless vehicles.....and the replace the word discharge with discipline but the ways it's worded makes it sound like they can skip over discipline and go right to discharge.