If rioters stopped your package car

Netsua 3:16

Are you genuinely really asking? And you know the cop was knowingly choking him? ME says he wasn't. He was restrained ,was high and in poor health. Not choked. Your idiotic statement kinda proves you are doing everything to hang the cop except benefit of doubt. Some facts in there. You guys would hang the cop if he would have done any of the things you listed. Shooting him? OMG!
You’re just wrong. Pepper spray, taser, gun shot to the leg....anyone of those scenarios would have quickly diffused the situation.
I’m not going to die on that cross, it’s just a example of the fact that the cop had more options than to simply bury his knee in the guys neck. The problem with what your saying, is that Floyd begged for his life, as he’s getting choked for a period time....and then died. So of course. It looks awful.
And who’s “you guys?” I’m an American, just like you. Not a Democrat, not a republican, not conservative, not liberal, simply an American. JUST LIKE YOU. We are in this together.
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You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I’ve never said murder. Manslaughter seemed fitting, though Officer Chauvin is charged with third degree murder, a charge unique to Minnesota and a few other states. From what I’ve gathered, it’s a lesser murder charge that does not include intent to kill.
I’m “stuck” on nine minutes because that’s how long Chauvin’s knee was on Floyd’s neck. That period of time seems to include a few minutes where Mr Floyd was unresponsive.
The last sentence I feel is where murder and intent to kill comes in. Ask cops or anyone that’s trained martial arts. They’re trained to know when someone goes out from say a rear chokehold. You let go immediately. It’s not super difficult to know when someone is unconscious.


Allergic to cardboard.
The last sentence I feel is where murder and intent to kill comes in. Ask cops or anyone that’s trained martial arts. They’re trained to know when someone goes out from say a rear chokehold. You let go immediately. It’s not super difficult to know when someone is unconscious.
This is why more cops should be trained in martial arts.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
You’re just wrong. Pepper spray, taser, gun shot to the leg....anyone of those scenarios would have quickly diffused the situation.
I’m not going to die on that cross, it’s just a example of the fact that the cop had more options than to simple bury his knee in the guys neck. The problem with what your saying, is that Floyd begged for his life, as he’s getting choked for a period time....and then died. So of course. It looks awful.
And who’s “you guys?” I’m an American, just like you. Not a Democrat, not a republican, not conservative, not liberal, simply an American. JUST LIKE YOU. We are in this together.

You are who you are. I didn't say anything about that other stuff. You did.

Why not(die on that cross)? You have the cop going to the chair.
Covid-19 has put a lot of stress on everybody. Completely understandable what happened....
I couldn't even imagine being a police officer.
Number one they don't get paid a real lot for what they have to put up with

And I'm sure to get overwhelmed by dealing with some of the crap that we cant even imagined they see on a daily basis

I am by no means giving this guy a get out of jail free card
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Netsua 3:16

Well yeah. He's guilty of murder...right? Absolutely, without doubt and utterly I think.
Never, ever said he was guilty of murder.
He’s absolutely guilty of excessive, unnecessary force. Beyond that, the trial and judge will decide what he’s truly guilty of. Due process. He will get it, but Floyd didn’t

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I couldn't even imagine being a police officer.
Number one they don't get paid a real lot for what they have to put up with

And I'm sure to get overwhelmed by dealing with some of the crap that we cant even imagined they see on a daily basis

I am by no means given this guy a get out of jail free card

Pay has nothing to do with it. But the part about what they see and most importantly, how they have to deal with it does. Was this a tragedy? You bet. Handled differently? Absolutely. Cop wished he had it all back. Utterly.