If you’re getting an MRI, read this (rant)


Well-Known Member
Take steady. if you would’ve filed that leave under fmla then you can have weeks off Unpaid and still maintain your insurance coverage. I did this multiple times with no issues . you just have to call and set it up and provide proof of birth. Don’t trust what some of these management dummies tell you, you should’ve asked your steward first Or call the Human Resources number. Don’t need to punch any day or use vacation days if it’s fmla.
You are absolutely right, I should have used FMLA. This happened when I was a fresh faced boy and thought that by telling my supervisor, the right thing would happen. I know much better now.


Active Member
Had the same thing happen to me over a decade ago. I was covered by Aetna through UPS and also covered by another insurance policy through the hospital that I worked at. So I was double covered. When I went in for the MRI I gave them BOTH providers just in case there was any left over from the primary then maybe the secondary would cover the left overs. Not sure if that’s how it works, but I digress. Few weeks go by and I get a bill for $1,300. Neither insurance wanted to pick up the tab. I called Aetna and pitched a fit that would rival a toddler and they then decided to cover it.
Wow, I remember showing both of my cards and pointing out the MRI pre-scheduling to the lady at the front desk. I now realize she probably doesn’t see many cards like ours nor does she give a crap lol.
Insurance companies are the scum of the earth. Needed a special dental X-ray that was only available at one endo dentist in my area. Apparently the machine is a fortune. So I go, and they charge me for It and I’ll just appeal the decision thru Aetna. Wasn’t covered. They didn’t budge. Couldn’t care less, even thought the endodontist said the X-ray was necessary to see all the canals in the tooth. $250. few years later, needed the same xray on the same tooth. Aetna told me to pound sand. You’re SOL again.
Lol I just assumed that because my appointment was in-network that so was the MRI since it was with the same medical office. @DriveInDriveOut is right though, it’s definitely my responsibility to look at my benefits that I get with the job and I am a total clown for rushing the process. I learned my lesson lol. We get paid well and I can afford the bill so I really shouldn’t be complaining. I just wanted to help out any other fellow dodo birds like myself from getting into the same situation. That’s what I get for graduating college and becoming a UPS driver lol.


Well-Known Member
@DriveInDriveOut is right though, it’s definitely my responsibility to look at my benefits that I get with the job and I am a total clown for rushing the process. I learned my lesson lol. We get paid well and I can afford the bill so I really shouldn’t be complaining. I just wanted to help out any other fellow dodo birds like myself from getting into the same situation. That’s what I get for graduating college and becoming a UPS driver lol.
Screw that. We work hard and can afford the bill nonsense. There’s a reason we work hard, it’s to have good insurance. Now I’m not gonna front, do I work hard? No. I steal money in feeders. I never lift a finger. But I put my time in, in package. Package is back breaking, body breaking down work. Don’t ever have that attitude. Be thankful that you can afford the bill, but now you know. Love and learn.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Lady on the phone said I was ‘eligible’ for coverage in my particular situation but that the facility I was at was not in their ‘provider network’ (even though the orthopedic appointment I did a day prior with them IS covered by our insurance - just not the MRI portion). I guess the correct procedure would have been to pre-schedule with the phone number on my insurance card after my orthopedic doctor appointment. Then go wherever they send me even if it’s not with the same company I did my initial screening with.
I've been through this several times with MRIs. Your doctor orders the MRI and you have to call USIN's phone number that's listed on the back of the Teamcare card to schedule it. After you get an appointment, your doctor has to send the MRI order to USIN to get it approved. You get the MRI and usually, they give you the CD with the results to take back to your doctor. It's a different procedure than you used to go through in the past.


Inordinately Right
Screw that. We work hard and can afford the bill nonsense. There’s a reason we work hard, it’s to have good insurance. Now I’m not gonna front, do I work hard? No. I steal money in feeders. I never lift a finger. But I put my time in, in package. Package is back breaking, body breaking down work. Don’t ever have that attitude. Be thankful that you can afford the bill, but now you know. Love and learn.
Things can get expensive....



Well-Known Member
Teamcare sounds like complete dog crap. I pray the western region and 177 carve out doesn’t disappear. In the 177 we used to have the choice to get generic prescriptions for free, or for $5 we could get name brand. That’s unheard of. Another benefit that disappeared thanks to ObamaCare. We all have to pay for insurance thru our hard work for the piece of trash that sits home all day watching Maury.
Them to come get a split


Well-Known Member
Was on disability about 5 years ago. Got a bunch of medical issues tended to. About 45k in bills including a major surgery. Didn’t even pay $100 out of pocket. My center manager wasn’t lying when he said years ago, in an overallowed tirade where he pointed to the door and said McDonald’s is hiring, feel free to leave if you’re that unhappy. Your medical benefits are worth $34k a year.