Well-Known Member
I'd stay...Too much time invested now I don't want to throw away 18yrs.....but 15yrs earlier I'd be outa here like vladamere!!!!

Hi all just left last friday. I took a part time job that makes up the difference between what i make on my pension.
I guess all of you who would leave but stay anyway feel that you could not match your pay or benefits if you left.That COULD be interpreted that you no one else would pay you what UPS does for the amount of talent or hard work that you bring to the table????
90% of us work hard ,10% try to get over any which way they can.Have you not read a word from the older folks that have been here for 20 to 25+ years? We do not want to find a new job that pays what we get now. We would like to get the retirement pay we have worked so hard for and walk away knowing we can finally pursue the other interests we all have. Talent and hard work? You have just insulted the most hard working people around. As far as talent goes, I guess that depends on what you consider to be a talent. We are not brain surgeons, but we deal with whatever happens to us hour by hour and get it done from morning to night. What we bring to the table is every bit of ourselves. Most companies would appreciate that.
$50-75k a year......plus benefits for the entire family---plus a pension------and for a company that is financially sound and will be there in 25 years--STAY for sure!!
As for Wornoutupser and the 25 and out------from what I remember UPS was offering that in 97 and would have been a way for UPS to get some control of the pension plans from the Teamsters----too bad...I am still confused about why that was voted that down????
"it's not the company--it's the people that make UPS what it is today"
dodptsup--as a P/T Sup..and I am going to assume it is in a hub/pkg center--you are supposed to focus on loading/unloading--getting evryone to clock off to reduce the amount of hours which impact PPH----am I close??
It is unfortunate, but there is another side of UPS where people are allowed to focus on the big picture other than PPH-----competition--UPS Services--finance--Business Development.Have you considered transferring to another dept??? Are you going to school--if so, as soon as you get your degree let someone in HR/BD know and get out of operations----is driving an option for you??
Yep, get em off the clock, even though the friend/T sups blew the dispatch, 3/4 of the drivers arent back till an hour after the sort starts, and I'ts my fault the sort went 5 minutes over. I'm supposed to be able to fix an entire screwed up day, starting with the preload going over, late air blown dispatches, pissed off customes, and everything else in the last 21/2 hrs of the day, give me a break!. And no I dont have a lot of optios due to the crushed disc in my back from unloading one night when noone who was in the bldg all day thought to staff my operation properly. On my feet for more than a few hours and my feet are numb and tingly, and it feels like hot oil is running down the back of my leg. Same if I sit too long too. Time for another Vicodan, and back to work!
Yes I reported it, happened 2 yrs ago, too late, there is permanent damage, and no at "my age" as you put it I dont think I am bullet proof, I got over that about 15 yrs ago(I am 40+ yrs old). I jumped in there with them 6 years ago, and things were a bit different then. and I take the pain pills just to be functional, and I have a strong work ethic, do my best to get the job done, only now I dont lift ANY packages. Any more questions?I am really confused now.
In another thread you comment, to the effect, "apparently my body rejected the brown blood transfusion" and how you, in essence, will buck the system every chance you get but this post seems to suggest that you are willing to sacrifice your body and your future health to the extent that you are taking some powerful drugs so you can hurry back to the trenches and damage your spinal cord a little more.
Did you report the back injury? If you didn't, I would do it now before you seriously, and forever, damage your back.
I realize at your age you think you are bulletproof, we all did or do. I would seriously suggest that you redirect some of this unbridled enthusiasm that you seem to have inward towards yourself and decide where you will be 5, 10, 15 years down the road.
Also, considering the disdain that you seem to have for management, why do you want to jump right in there with them?