I look at California and now here in Arizona and I watch how the money is being spent on those people who do not belong here legally (mostly Mexicans and Central Americans). They have tipped the balance of the economy.
Here in Arizona, they have found that many illegals have crossed the southern border and gone back to their homeland because the opportunity is diminishing rapidly in the USA.
Where as in prosperous times most Americans looked the other way, during these times, Americans who are out of work are more vocal and angry and are not as tolerant to illegals as they once were. There is even a factor of fear or retaliation.
It is really ironic that as America starts to suffer hard times that our fair weather neighbors pack up and go home. Good Riddance!! Let's hope more follow and more Americans become less tolerant to people who are stealing our hard earned money from us.
Our citizens deserve the jobs and services available before ANY person here illegally.
Should we build a fence around our borders? What ever it takes to keep people out of our country who will do anything illegal to gain access.
Another ironic tidbit... The Phoenix news said that Mexico is hard pressed to support the influx of its citizens who are coming back from the USA! Also, there are less dollars being smuggled back into Mexico because of the economic downturn which is also causing problems for Mexico's economy. I feel so bad for Mexico!