I'm not hearing much about global warming now days.


Strength through joy
Got this open letter from Northeastern University about their Marine Science Center.
Something about needing to expand the place for research to combat sea level rising. Which I find odd, that they would build in an area prone to coastal flooding.
Well it's their land and if they want to waste their supporters monies then why not?


Well-Known Member
That was special.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
I'm not into baby killing and alt lifestyles and the crushing totalitarian society to reduce carbon footprint, read population control. A machine that can recycle carbon over and over for pennies is just smart hedging.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
General electric, Germany Japan and Denmark are all employing advanced coal HELO technology successfully. Coal will stay on the table of fuels for a while.


Retired 23 years
General electric, Germany Japan and Denmark are all employing advanced coal HELO technology successfully. Coal will stay on the table of fuels for a while.

Took a tour of the coal fired power plant in North Dakota where our power comes from. They have their own coal field and all the coal from the mining comes to the plant on conveyer belts --LONG conveyer belts. They don't even have to ship it. We were told that just the area they have ready to mine would last them 200 years and they have many times that in reserve. It just don't get any cheaper than that.