I'm not hearing much about global warming now days.


Well-Known Member
Let’s not forget about all the crime caused by prohibition. Let’s not forget about the destabilizing effects we have on other countries with strong cartels and terror networks. Let’s not forget that personal responsibility is already in play with alcohol, cigarettes and in some states marijuana/salvia(which is a very powerful hallucigen). Let’s not forget about the drain on society caused by prohibition with flooded prisons, lack of education and deaths from violent black market.
Which would go away if people took personal responsibility and didn't do drugs. But they're going to do them anyways. So if you remove prohibition you'll still have people doing drugs that are not only harmful to themselves but to others too, as well as the overall costs of lost productivity. Making it tough to get also limits it's spread. How many more people are you willing to sacrifice to easily obtained drugs in order to have the freedom to do whatever you want? You may eliminate the cartels but you'll still have people committing crime to get the money. Hard drug addicts aren't going to hold down a steady job for long, they'll still need their fix. It's not our job to supply that to them. If that's your solution you're saying the drug addict has more rights than the taxpayer.


Well-Known Member
And who is this government and what gives them the right to make the rules and regulations as they choose? Do they not represent and work for us?
The majority in this country approves legalization of marijuana so government should make it happen.

we gave them that right. i'm fine with the right to get high just let me have my guns so I can plug the bastids when they try to steal my stuff to pay for their addiciton


Well-Known Member
OK, look at it this way. People putting whatever they want into their body results in a huge drain on society in both costs and lost productivity. That includes various cancers caused by tobacco, health hazards of alcohol including lost lives from car wrecks, etc, as well as the many lost lives from drugs. It isn't just about what the individual wants to do to themselves but also the harm caused to themselves, to others, to society in general. Don't forget all the crime committed to get the money to obtain drugs, which will still go on prohibition or not. You make individual liberty paramount, but individual responsibility should be as important, and drug abusers aren't being responsible, so it's up to the government to try to mitigate the damage done to society. It isn't prohibition that's the bad guy, it's the abuse of substances that shouldn't be touched and their affect on the abuser and everyone else.

So you would support a 'single-payer' healthcare system in the US?


Retired 23 years
Driving back from a road trip today it was 9 below. The wife and I stopped for a Dairy Queen. We had to stand in line.


Retired 23 years
Read in the paper today that it has been as cold as 88.6 below zero friend. in Sibera this week. I hope that :censored2: don't make it here.


Nine Lives
That's not true.
Please don't insult other members such as calling them liars.

It's not nice to accuse someone of making stuff up.

From the TOS:
Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. Derogatory, insulting, or belittling statements, directed at other members as well as direct or indirect personal attacks are not permitted on our forum.

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals or their choices or circumstances, which disparage their ideas, opinions, their occupation or their personal situation. These examples are not exhaustive. Insulting or disparaging another member is a personal attack regardless of the manner in which it is done. These offensive comments are contrary to the spirit of legitimate, reasoned debate and damaging to the purpose of our community.

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Reasonable people just don't like the Al Sharpton I mean Al Gore money Shakedown. And a certain political party has latched onto this Hysteria as a core principle.