I'm not hearing much about global warming now days.


Well-Known Member
Evidence, no scientific proof

An indication is no proof

They have dumped global warming for climate change. Why?
Do I need to continue? No proof only evidence, consensus, indications, and a change from global warming to climate change.

There's no "proof", per se,of gravity either, but there is an abundance of evidence, and consensus.


Well-Known Member
No one has answered my original question. Why isn't anyone talking about global warming in the media now? I haven't heard a thing about it since probably last fall. Is it because it's so FRICKING cold? Its hard to argue that the earth is warming up when 3/4 of the population of the US is freezing.

It's..... actually pretty easy. I can explain it like you're 5. See, the temperature goes up and down like a yo-yo. So, when the yo-yo is up by the hand, it's really hot out and people sweat. When the yo-yo is near the end of the string, BRRRR! It's cold, and lakes might freeze and your friends can make snowmen.

Now, there's this guy, and his name is CLIMATE, see, and he's holding the yo-yo. And ever since they started making factories and cars, while the yo-yo still goes up and down, CLIMATE seems to be walking up a flight of steps that wasn't there before.



Retired 22 years
It's..... actually pretty easy. I can explain it like you're 5. See, the temperature goes up and down like a yo-yo. So, when the yo-yo is up by the hand, it's really hot out and people sweat. When the yo-yo is near the end of the string, BRRRR! It's cold, and lakes might freeze and your friends can make snowmen.

Now, there's this guy, and his name is CLIMATE, see, and he's holding the yo-yo. And ever since they started making factories and cars, while the yo-yo still goes up and down, CLIMATE seems to be walking up a flight of steps that wasn't there before.

View attachment 173761

So in a 130 years it went up .25 of a degree? Damn--turn on the fans and air-conditioners. This chart compares such a small time frame. How do you explain the 5 MAJOR ice ages the Earth has gone through according to Google. It warms up-it cools off--its as simple as that.
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Retired 22 years
The religious nuts used to believe the earth was flat and the sun was the center of the universe. Guess they were wrong.

Not too many Flat Earth people left but there are a lot of "Trump is going to be impeached" people out there. Same thing.
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Nine Lives
It's..... actually pretty easy. I can explain it like you're 5. See, the temperature goes up and down like a yo-yo. So, when the yo-yo is up by the hand, it's really hot out and people sweat. When the yo-yo is near the end of the string, BRRRR! It's cold, and lakes might freeze and your friends can make snowmen.

Now, there's this guy, and his name is CLIMATE, see, and he's holding the yo-yo. And ever since they started making factories and cars, while the yo-yo still goes up and down, CLIMATE seems to be walking up a flight of steps that wasn't there before.

View attachment 173761
Based on this explanation, you must be a liberal! SMH


I'm a star

Thay's funny, I was wondering if that's what you were thinking. I'm too tired to compose a proper response, so I'll issue this challenge to anyone who cares: carefully read over @Jones' post with the graph about the different types of CO2, and read the page he linked carbon 101. Then read my posts concerning those posts, let me know if you see what I'm getting at.

For your convenience here are the posts by @Jones :
We know human activities are driving the increase in CO2 concentrations because atmospheric CO2 contains information about its source. Scientists can tease apart how much CO2 comes from natural sources, and how much comes from combusted fossil fuel sources.

Compared to other carbon sources, carbon from fossil fuels has a distinctly different “signature,” essentially the relative amount of heavier or lighter atoms of carbon (technically δ13C). The more negative the δ13C, the higher the proportion of carbon from fossil fuels.

Over the years, δ13C has decreased while the overall amount of CO2 has increased. This information tells scientists that fossil fuel emissions are the largest contributor of CO2 concentrations since the pre-industrial era.


Direct Evidence of Fossil Fuel Derived CO2 in the Atmosphere. While the concentration of carbon has increased, the carbon originating from natural sources has decreased.



Well-Known Member
So in a 130 years it went up .25 of a degree? Damn--turn on the fans and air-conditioners. This chart compares such a small time frame. How do you explain the 5 MAJOR ice ages the Earth has gone through according to Google. It warms up-it cools off--its as simple as that.

Well, as many have pointed out before me, the EARTH will be fine, but there's a pesky surface nuisance that might not find it so hospitable.

There have also been 5 major extinctions, usually the result of a cataclysmic event like a large meteor striking the planet. We're in the midst of a sixth extinction, the only thing missing is a causal major event. What else has changed radically in the past 150 years?


Well-Known Member
It's..... actually pretty easy. I can explain it like you're 5. See, the temperature goes up and down like a yo-yo. So, when the yo-yo is up by the hand, it's really hot out and people sweat. When the yo-yo is near the end of the string, BRRRR! It's cold, and lakes might freeze and your friends can make snowmen.

Now, there's this guy, and his name is CLIMATE, see, and he's holding the yo-yo. And ever since they started making factories and cars, while the yo-yo still goes up and down, CLIMATE seems to be walking up a flight of steps that wasn't there before.

View attachment 173761

.25 of a degree in 130 years? Could someone blow up the graph some more to make it a little more impressive. Maybe remove those pesky little number things on the side. :)