

Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
According to Wisconsin Republican Gov. Koch-Roach Scott Walker is claiming that he voted for Ronald Reagan.
Scott Walker said he never said this.

The news group that did the interview claimed it was a transcription error.

They have issued a retraction.

Sorry. But you will have to do better than run with stories against conservatives with out checking your facts, as long as I am around.


When your bank says no, champion says YES
ohh im all about truth, the point is your making mountain out of mole hill trying to make walker out to be some demon liar when a.) the so called lie he was being accused of is a pimple on an elephants behind, b.) hes not the first guy to be accused of being a liar, its not a new "thing", and c.) the most controversial liars and trickery wizards of politics happen to represent the democratic party


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Conservastism is defined by lies. The only truth implicit in, say, the Tea Party is that it exists. The only truth implicit in OLDY and Brownone is that they exist. .

Amazing that a once generous and literate nation could sink so far so fast, but here we are. Cellar dwellers. Thanks to Conservastism.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Conservastism is defined by lies. The only truth implicit in, say, the Tea Party is that it exists. The only truth implicit in OLDY and Brownone is that they exist. .

Amazing that a once generous and literate nation could sink so far so fast, but here we are. Cellar dwellers. Thanks to Conservastism.
Your view of what is going on and what has actually happened in our nation is so skewed, I believe there is no hope for you.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Remember W Bush's comments on immigration: he wanted immigrants entering the country because they perform the jobs Americans won't do. This is of course the Republican business position on immigration, and not because of who will and won't do different jobs. It is only about wages -- businesses want to pay lower wages and immigrants are available.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Bush isn't president anymore.

But it seems like Obama wants more illegals. Does he want lower wages too?

Illegal immigration is wrong and they should be punished, not rewarded.


Bad Moon Risen'
democrat wendy davis' attempt at the texas governors office was going great until it was revealed she lied about her life story as a struggling single mom, turns out she divorced her then husband the day after he finished paying her law school tuition, and the laundry list goes onView attachment 30414
th (1).jpg

I was hiking the Appalachian Trail.

Lied to his constituants, cheated on his wife. They voted him back into office.
A ham sandwich could have been running against him and those ignorant voters would have put him back in office.


Bad Moon Risen'
Yeah I agree with chuck here having to show valid id to vote should be a no brainer and anyone that had an issue with providing a valid id I would look at slightly skeptical as to why they'd have an issue with this procedure, and I disagree with the insinuation that republicans aren't earning voters, on the contrary it's the democrats who have successfully brainwashed most "uneducated " voters (I.e. Many lower income voters and people who rely on government to live) to simply vote democrat no matter who the candidate is, and I've watched as the dems continue to spew bogus propaganda to immigrants and minorities that the dems are the party who will look out for them when in actuality it's the exact opposite, the dems don't do squat for immigrants but keep them under their control, immigrants aren't viewed by dems as people but simply as votes, if u wanna laugh go google videos of some uneducated voters voting democrat at the polls, reporters ask them questions like who is the Vice President? Who is Nancy pelosi? Who was bushs vp? And they don't even know!!!! They just know how to find the democrat ballot box! It's insane!!!!they vote and don't even know who the heck they're voting for or what the candidates stand for! Nuts!
Have heard through the grapevine that our colleges & universities are bastions of liberalism.
That makes who the uneducated?


The Nim
Voting is a right, not a privilege. Those who serve, do so because they want to, not to have extra rights that civilians don't.

I would give those who serve in the military who are serving overseas who cannot come back to their local voting precinct the ability to vote absentee as letting all our overseas troops come back to vote would lead to two big issues. A substantial cost to transport all of them and a significantly reduced if not nonexistent military presence in some locations where that could prove disastrous. The non military shouldn't be allowed with certain exceptions such as medical where it's not cost effective to do. The rest shouldn't have an issue going to their local precinct, there's many groups that transport people to vote and many employers allow some time off to vote as well. I work nights so I'm normally sleeping when the polls are open for the most part but there's 3 voting locations with 5 miles of me, I can lose a little sleep to walk to mine if needed.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
I and my family have kept the same insurance.
So what's the problem.
Same here.....
Oh really.

I didn't get to keep mine.

8 million Americans have had their insurance plans canceled.

The CBO says potentially millions more will have their insurance plans canceled.

The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, says 8 million Americans have lost their insurance because of the ACA, but only 6.2 million have signed up for healthcare under the exchanges. No info on how many actually paid for their healthcare. So he says we have at least 1.8 million more Americans uninsured now than when the ACA was passed. And when more mandates come online in the future, millions more, like small business owners, will lose their healthcare.

Obamacare is a disaster. Everything the government touches gets more expensive and worse. And the liberal Democrats think government is the solution to every problem.

Government did not invent healthcare insurance.
Government didn't make many employers give healthcare insurance to their employees.
Yet, without the government intervening, over 300 million Americans had healthcare insurance. Now, that number is falling. BECAUSE OF THE GOVERNMENT.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Most Americans did not.

You didn't know this?
Reallybrown you make all of us laugh. You could not even explain the basic tenets of the Affordable Car Act past the bumper sticker you hear about it on Fox.

Go on, explain to all of us why you want the ACA destroyed? What exactly is is doing to harm you personally?


Well-Known Member
Reallybrown you make all of us laugh. You could not even explain the basic tenets of the Affordable Car Act past the bumper sticker you hear about it on Fox.

Go on, explain to all of us why you want the ACA destroyed? What exactly is is doing to harm you personally?
I can name a couple. Any mandated HC that I could get a subsidy on is far to extensive(I tested that out to see what it would cost me, and I would of got subsidy). Mandating employers to cover things that they are against(causing lawsuits, raising prices). My tax dollars going to fund that, instead of things it should be going for, resulting in a greater deficit.


Well-Known Member
I can name a couple. Any mandated HC that I could get a subsidy on is far to extensive(I tested that out to see what it would cost me, and I would of got subsidy). Mandating employers to cover things that they are against(causing lawsuits, raising prices). My tax dollars going to fund that, instead of things it should be going for, resulting in a greater deficit.
You mean like funding two unnecessary wars?