I and my family have kept the same insurance.
So what's the problem.
Oh really.
I didn't get to keep mine.
8 million Americans have had their insurance plans canceled.
The CBO says potentially millions more will have their insurance plans canceled.
The Speaker of the House, John Boehner, says 8 million Americans have lost their insurance because of the ACA, but only 6.2 million have signed up for healthcare under the exchanges. No info on how many actually paid for their healthcare. So he says we have at least 1.8 million more Americans uninsured now than when the ACA was passed. And when more mandates come online in the future, millions more, like small business owners, will lose their healthcare.
Obamacare is a disaster. Everything the government touches gets more expensive and worse. And the liberal Democrats think government is the solution to every problem.
Government did not invent healthcare insurance.
Government didn't make many employers give healthcare insurance to their employees.
Yet, without the government intervening, over 300 million Americans had healthcare insurance. Now, that number is falling. BECAUSE OF THE GOVERNMENT.