

Engorged Member
Your constant mantra only goes to prove that you hold Obama responsible for nothing, nada, zip,.. So, he's not just the food stamp president, but the ZERO president too. All of his 'present' votes in the Senate add up to ZERO too. Zero Hussein Obama, yeah it fits.........we'll nickname him Arnold!

The "food stamp" President is code for attacking Obama for giving minorities a "free ride". More thinly veiled racism. And human smuggling is nothing new, especially on the US/Mexico border. Why do they keep coming anyway? So big US corporations (like McDonalds) can have an ample supply of cheap labor. 2+2=4, unless you're a Republican, and then 2+2= eleventy seven.


golden ticket member
Food Stamp President means that Under Obama, there are more Americans on food stamps than ever before. Own It !!!!!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Oh, haven't you heard, the economy is fine, thriving, perfectly healthy !!!


without mentioning the word "deficit", please explain exactly where the economy is bad? Lets see some depth to your argument, but in my opinion, Ima guess your position on the economy would drown in a puddle.



golden ticket member
I don't have to explain a thing to you. You say excuse/ignore the deficit? That's the problem....the Dems. ignore it like it's not there and want to keep spending ! Idiots!
The "food stamp" President is code for attacking Obama for giving minorities a "free ride". More thinly veiled racism. And human smuggling is nothing new, especially on the US/Mexico border. Why do they keep coming anyway? So big US corporations (like McDonalds) can have an ample supply of cheap labor. 2+2=4, unless you're a Republican, and then 2+2= eleventy seven.
Hog wash. Do you honesty think that only minorities are on food stamps? That sounds racist to me.
The statement about McDonalds was laughable though.

without mentioning the word "deficit", please explain exactly where the economy is bad
? Lets see some depth to your argument, but in my opinion, Ima guess your position on the economy would drown in a puddle.

I didn't know we were allowed to dictate rules on what can and can not be brought up in a discussion (other than the official rules of the forum), or is it just you that gets to decide that?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I didn't know we were allowed to dictate rules on what can and can not be brought up in a discussion (other than the official rules of the forum), or is it just you that gets to decide that?

ITs called specificity TRIP. IF you ask ANY right wing supporter, and ask them to explain a position, the only thing they can talk about is the word "Deficit". RIght wingers make claims that the economy is bad, and when they get called on the carpet, they dont have the first clue what they are talking about.

Why dont you take a stab at it.

Prove me wrong or be the second to abandon the debate and make the claim.



golden ticket member
During a recent speech, President Obama quoted the Bible to support his immigration reform plan. Maybe he should try quoting from federal immigration law, instead.

-- Fred Thompson
ITs called specificity TRIP. IF you ask ANY right wing supporter, and ask them to explain a position, the only thing they can talk about is the word "Deficit". RIght wingers make claims that the economy is bad, and when they get called on the carpet, they dont have the first clue what they are talking about.

Why dont you take a stab at it.

Prove me wrong or be the second to abandon the debate and make the claim.

I asked a simple question and you want to turn it into a debate on the economy. I made no claims about anything but addressing YOU getting to decide what can be brought up. How hard is that to understand?